
Delhi Breaks Into The List Of Top 10 Cities With Most Global Tourists

It is a city that is more than just the national capital of the country. It’s also a city that has way more than just the core structure of the political component of the country, a country that is actually the world’s largest democracy. Delhi is more fun than what one may think, with a lot more dazzle, and a wider appeal today than what one may have ever thought about.

And guess what? At a time where much the focus on Delhi was restricted, of late, to the hazardous levels of pollution, the city stymied for producing an environment inconducive for simply being, there appears a piece of news that might put a broad smile on the average Delhiites’ face.

When one thinks and speaks about Delhi, one also more often than not, touches upon the touristy angle to a city that’s considered a world-class touristic destination for those seeking wanderlust, not merely the business visitors from around the world.

Delhi has recently joined what might be described as an elite list. Now here’s a question. If one were to think about it, then what are the popular cities with global tourists? Well, some of the popular cities with global tourists happen to be Amsterdam, Rome, Milan, Paris, and New York.

Right? Whether it’s the vibrant cosmopolitan culture of the Dutch capital with its beautiful tiny inner-city bridges or the lanky height of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the bustle of being amid the Colosseum in Rome or the being part of the fashion landscape of Milan or New York, there’s always something beautiful to embrace. There’s never any scope for any dullness, right?

Well, ditto for Delhi. Believe it or not, Delhi has just broken through what in the context of the above cities could be called an elite bracket.

So what exactly has transpired? Now, Delhi is also among the popular cities with global tourists. Wondering how? The national capital of India has broken into a top ten list; the world’s 10 most popular cities with global tourists.

There are several contributing factors that have together resulted in Delhi “climbing up the ladder!”

Live Mint, attempted to skillfully capture the salient features that have contributed to this skyward jump.

It shared, the national capital of India has been witnessing rapid development in the tourism industry in this year

Apart from this, another important reason that has contributed to Delhi evidencing a brilliant rise is that the city posted the fastest growth in the number of international arrivals globally.

But particularly from the standpoint of the development of the tourism industry, then Delhi, for all intents and purposes, is “at it!” Where the resurrection and giving a facelift to several monuments and relics from the Mughal era is concerned, then of late, one has been seeing several important centres in the city going up for a bit of a revamp and restoration.

In addition, Live Mint also shared some other contributing factors that have helped Delhi rise tremendously in the regard of being among the popular cities with global tourists, such as:

The amalgamation of enriching history and various cultural traditions makes Delhi one of the favourite places among international tourists. “India has gained noteworthy attention for its yoga retreats and Ayurveda practices,” said Euromonitor International, a UK-based global market research company. A world-class airport and connectivity to most of the locations in the northern part of India has helped Delhi to increase its position in the list of top 100 most popular cities. Delhi has witnessed an average growth of over 25% in terms of international tourists this year.

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Dev Tyagi

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Dev Tyagi

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