
CRPF’s Office In New Delhi Sealed After A Staffer Tests Positive For COVID-19

Amid the news that the country-wide lockdown has been extended in India until May the 17th, 2020, here comes a bit of a disconsolation from the national capital of New Delhi. Apparently, earlier on May 3, 2020- the CRPF’s office was sealed. Wondering what had happened?

Well, what else, but the Coronavirus. It was established that the CRPF’s office was sealed due to the fact that one of the staffers there had contracted the Coronavirus. And therefore, in order to take immediate precautionary action, for the virus not to spread, the move had to be taken.

This, therefore, means that an important tool that falls under the honorable Government of India’s Ministry of Home Affairs will cease to have the office space available until further notice.

There’s been a total evacuation of all personnel deployed at the CRPF’s office in lines with the confirmation about the staffer’s medical condition, which, within minutes of being reported, was covered extensively by both national and private media.

Meanwhile, leading publication India Today had the following inputs to share:

CRPF Additional Director General Jawed Akhtar’s stenographer tested positive for Covid-19 early Sunday.

The force has informed the district surveillance officer for “initiating required protocols” as per medical guidelines, for time-bound proper sealing of the building located in the CGO complex on Lodhi Road, PTI reported.

Jawed Akhtar and 10 other personnel have been home-quarantined, even as authorities began contact-tracing of all the personnel who came in contact with the staffer at the headquarter building.

That being said, a question, vital that it is, is put forward for everyone’s notice. Now that the building has been sealed, what is exactly happening at the infrastructure?

It is believed that the CRPF’s office is currently undergoing a sanitation drive and will actually remain closed unless and until the proper sanitisation is rendered complete, which is well the most essential thing to do at this point.

That being said, surely the news may have come about with a sense of surprise to most- no?

After all, the only thing that one is truly cautious about and actively so, in these current days where the dominant talk concerns Coronavirus (and the spread of the viral epidemic) is personal hygiene.

Therefore, the intimation that one has contracted the infection- known to be fatal in some cases- can never bring any relief whatsoever.

But a sense of caution was felt in the response of a senior CRPF official who noted the situation, “We have contacted surveillance officer of NDMC and sanitation and fumigation is being done. No one will be allowed until the building is declared safe.”

And it’s fair also! Nothing is more important than one’s safety and well-being.

Meanwhile, here’s what press reports carried on the current situation, giving a clear idea about the length to which COVID-19 currently affects those engaged with the respected CRPF:

So far, 144 CRPF personnel have tested positive — 135 from 31 Battalion in Delhi’s Mayur Vihar phase 3. The entire battalion has been sealed since then.

One CRPF personnel had died earlier, one has recovered and the result of at least 20 more personnel are still awaited.

Earlier, CRPF DG AP Maheshwari had to spend 21 days in self-quarantine after coming in indirect contact with a patient. He had later tested negative.

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Dev Tyagi

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Dev Tyagi

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