
Monthly Tarot Reading For All Zodiac Signs(April 2021) – What Does This Month Hold For You?

May we all look inwards this month and may we move past the barriers we’ve built within. In this monthly tarot card reading, I have provided specific attention areas for all zodiacs to work on. As you dive within yourself, remember that you are what you seek. And all of your answers lie within you.

Image Source: Freepik / tartila

Aries (March 21-April 19)

If a situation or a person spawns your fears and highlights your flaws. Do not get upset, do not defend. It’s an opportunity to understand and accept your flaws and fears.

Acceptance will free you from all the insecurities you currently guard. As you release all of your guards and surrender with humility, you will experience limitless peace and opportunities. Free your mind space, save yourself from energy drain and experience a gush of positive thoughts.

Taurus (April 20- May 20) – Monthly Tarot Reading

Sometimes you may try to control too much or you may resist change or experiences that induce instability. Let go of a little control, one day at a time. Let go of all the limitations and the ideas that delay your actions.

Let go of everything you hold on to and explore your potential. It is but in vulnerability that we truly experience new experiences. Spread your wings and take a leap of faith, see how far you will fly.

Gemini (May 21- June 20)

If you are lonely, you are doing a great job of covering it up. Escapism has probably served you well thus far. But now there is a friend or a lover or an individual around you who wouldn’t let you go. Pour all of yourself out to them, and see how effortless the bond is. Feel the energy of the mirrored soul(s) around you, build connections.

Cancer (June 21- July 22)

Your art and expressions are special. Don’t abstain from expressing yourself. Let your body flow in the divine cosmic energies you feel every now and then. You are being driven, follow the path and express yourself.

Your expression will heal you and others around you. For those who don’t identify with “art”, maybe, it’s your conversations and words that will heal you and those around you.

Leo (July 23- August 22) – Monthly Tarot Reading

“Let bygones be bygones”. If you’re hoping that unresolved events from the past will be resolved, now is not the time. Make peace with open chapters and move on, take them all in your stride. What is yours will come to you, if not today, maybe some other day. Until then, keep walking lions!

Virgo (August 23- September 22)

Good (almost perfect) at executing stuff? It’s time to try something new. Uncharted paths are the only routes to something new. Operate outside of your comfort zone, make decisions and choices each day towards your path.

You may feel vulnerable while doing this, but vulnerability will allow you to grow. Make decisions with your heart in the right place, be mindful of your choices. Remember that one only fails if they stop trying, so minor setbacks are just learnings.

Libra (September 23- October 22)

Every decision you make comes from a space of balance. Not everyone may understand how you operate, but you understand yourself. And that’s all that matters. No matter how much friction you face externally, make decisions that work for you. Lead a life that helps you regain your balance.

Scorpio (October 23- November 21) – Monthly Tarot Reading

Your thoughts intimidate you sometimes. Some of your thoughts are really weird, dark and deep. Here’s a secret for you. It’s not just you, a lot of us have similar thoughts sometimes and it is fine!

Express yourself without fears and inhibitions. Share your thoughts once in a while. Put yourself out there, and receive all the love and acceptance you seek. Only when you love yourself completely can you love others.

Also Read: 5 Zodiac Signs That Love Being Single And Rule It Like No Other

Sagittarius (November 22- December 21)

You love, you love with all your heart. Sometimes, your love is not reciprocated well and it may create fears inside you. If you look back at your decisions from the past, wouldn’t you still make the same choices? So, why do you fear? It takes courage to choose love over fears, and you’ve been doing a great job so far. Be fearless, love is your path.

Capricorn (December 22- January 19)

All of your hard work has paid off. You’ve worked hard for minimal returns. It’s time to get rewarded. Look forward to the new chapters that are opening for you, they will bring you long term stability, a solid foundation and good returns. Don’t forget to have fun hard worker!

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

Dwelling in Self-doubts/ criticism? Move past the judgements of what is right and what is wrong. Accept and embrace all of your imperfections, and delimit yourself from your self-created boundaries. It is time to pull yourself from thoughts that don’t serve you well, move towards light and positivity. Keep working on your goals, relentlessly. It is your time to shine.

Also Read: These Major Truth Bombs About Aquarius Women Is Scary AF!

Pisces (February 19- March 20)

This world makes no sense to you. All of the existence (especially humans) and their actions are gobbledygook to you. It is okay to not understand, and it is also okay if you’re not being understood. Balance your ego, do not judge. Walk your truth i.e. – “talk to the hand, humans, ‘cos this Pisces face ain’t listening”.

Also Read: Pisces Personality Traits: 9 Things You Should Know About Piscean!

May you all go deep within yourselves everyday and find your inner strengths.

Stay tuned as we will publish our next monthly tarot reading on May 3, 2021! For any feedback, please reach out to,


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Devika Gupta

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Devika Gupta

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