Middle east & africa

What May Have Contributed To The Rise In Coronavirus Cases In Israel?

Where it stands at the moment, then it’s believed that there has been a disproportionate rise in the COVID-19 cases in Israel. In a country of over 12 million, which frankly speaking, isn’t that big a number anyways, it doesn’t help to note that there’ve been 126 deaths already due to the current chaos.


While definitely, the medical or healthcare industry and the overall set-up is united in support and rallying for the common Israeli at this hour, a greater problem needs some resolution.

Can Israel find a way to stop the recent rise in the COVID-19 cases?

So if there’s one thing that needs to be done, then it is to bring down the number of overall cases in Israel and urgently so, before the count reaches a threatening level.

But experts believe that an addition to the regular ongoing problem may have something to do with an influx of arrivals from a country that’s fundamentally, one of Israel’s greatest allies ever: the United States of America.

So now let us delve deep into the prognosis of this problem.

According to the country’s Health Ministry, the word is out that the arrivals from the United States have accounted far more to Israel’s foreign coronavirus infections than any other country.

In fact, to anyone this may seem like an ordinary situation; like it happens during such grave crises anyways. But look more closely at the numbers and you immediately understand that there’s some urgent fixing needed for this.

The number crunchers have already provided official statements that seem to suggest that the situation is anything but banal or tolerable. In fact, as many as 40 per cent of the arrivals in Israel had got infected abroad, in the United States.

Isn’t that a serious number, one that demands an urgent scrutiny of sorts?

That actually means, according to the media reports, that there are as many as 560 current cases where those who contracted the infection were in the United States.

Meanwhile, this potentially leads to another interesting question. How much would the percentage of cases in the United States be, at this moment, when compared to another country?

Nati Shohat/Flash90

Now many among us may really be surprised to know that the United States has already accounted for nearly four times for the cases when compared to the next largest international source.

That being said, the famous Israel national daily the Times of Israel had the following to share with regards to this current matter of travesty:

The high proportion of US cases was likely due to a bungled government policy that allowed travelers to enter the country freely, including from virus-stricken New York, despite government quarantine directives.

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Since travel restrictions came into effect last month, repeated incidents saw planeloads of passengers allowed to enter the country and travel home without entering isolation. The government locked down on arrivals this week.

According to the Health Ministry report, arrivals from Europe accounted for 43% of all foreign cases, or 611 total infections, led by France, in second place after the US with roughly 150 infections.

The above said, how is the current condition in other continents such as Europe, one might ask? To that end, it’s important to know that of the 13 leading countries, where the outspread of the COVID-19 cases are at a maximum, 11 belong solely to Europe.

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Dev Tyagi

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Dev Tyagi

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