
Tensions Mount In France Amid Growing Coronavirus Concern!

2020 was spent worrying about and preparing for the Coronavirus. With much of the world in a terrifying state of affairs, things weren’t any less tedious or the concerns any less onerous where it came to France. The strongman of Western Europe, quite like Germany embraced what clearly were tough times. In 2020 alone, the Coronavirus in France led to approximately 75,000 deaths. The overall number of cases of Coronavirus in France were reported to be around 3.18 million.

And now, even months of battling what clearly have been tense situations, it doesn’t seem that there is any reprieve as such regarding the number of cases of Coronavirus in France.

2021 too, it ought to be said, has brought about tough measures where it comes to the Coronavirus situation in the land of French Revolution. While what remains to be seen is whether the rising COVID 19 cases can subside for normal life to begin, the tight restrictions on travel and difficulty in moving about within the country have meant that France isn’t your ideal place as of now, in any stretch of the imagination.

Image Source: AFP

That being said, what is making intense news at this point in time is that France has undertaken some active steps toward containing the situation, a series of events that have made the situation tense in the country.

So what seems to have happened and where is all of this going?

The last thing, truth be told, anyone wanted to hear was that there would be another lockdown. Certainly not in the new year and certainly not again! But right now, a new nationwide lockdown has made unremitting headlines in the country, with there being suspension of regular movement in the country.

But what’s also surprising and not too enterprising to note is that France has also banned travel from outside the European Union.

The testing of people who are coming within the EU, meanwhile, has also been tightened.

But there’s also a key point to be noted where it comes to testing. A number of countries were exempted from testing as well, these being those nations that aren’t as such at risk with the Coronavirus, including- Singapore, Thailand, Australia, South Korea, Japan, New Zealand and a few more.

Also Read: Key Update On Germany: Deutschland To Ban Travel From Countries Grappling With New Virus Variant

That being said, what makes the situation tense in France is also the fact that there are conditions like the night curfew and other suspensions of activities. To that end, here’s what a news report from Republic news media had to say:

French Prime Minister Jean Castex announced the new measures after an emergency government health security meeting at the presidential palace. The meeting warned of a “great risk” from the new variants. As a part of the new restrictions, the night curfew will be tightened, all large shopping centres will be closed, there will be police checks for those who violate France’s 12-hour-a-day curfew, hold secret parties or reopen restaurants. 

What France may surely be waiting for and ever so desperately would be for normalcy to prevail once and for all and for 2021 to finally offering the respite from the enormity of trouble that is the COVID 19 situation.

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Dev Tyagi

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Dev Tyagi

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