
When Kim Jong-Un Actually Apologised And Said “Sorry!”

How far would you go to actually curb the spread or rise of the Coronavirus? What if you found yourself in a rather precarious situation with regards to a global pandemic as serious and life-threatening as the Coroavirus?

Ever thought about that? Well, how can any average joe confront such an overwhelming situation, right? But then, even in a situation where very high stakes are involved, what’s the guarantee that one wouldn’t intentionally hurt another to avoid a serious consquence?

Okay, a pretty straightforward question first up. Would you kill someone who could potentially be a pathogen and lead to the spreading up of a virus? Would you take that call in your hands?

Truth be told, North Korea’s Kim Jong Un- clearly among the most dreadful figures of this part of the 21st century- didn’t for once blink an eye before ordering his troops to gun down a South Korean man. This happened recently back in North Korea!

But what was the cause and the need?

The man gunned down at Kim Jong Un’s orders was afflicted by the Coronavirus. Having said that, just knowing that a South Korean man was gunned down doesn’t say the entire thing. The person killed at behest of Kim Jong-un was actually a South Korean official, according to news sources.

Image Source: PTI

And the aftermath, rather surprisingly, has seen the dictator expressing regret at having taken the extreme step. So there you have it. North Korea’s head of state Kim Jong Un actually said sorry.

A news report published on September 25, on India’s Zee news platform covered the incident in detail and highlighted the following:

The apology figured in a letter from the North`s United Front Department, which handles cross-border ties, to South Korean President Moon Jae-in a day after Seoul officials said the North`s soldiers killed the man, doused his body in oil and set it on fire.

But the excerpt told, as expected, the serious occurrence also led to huge political furore with many deeply regretting the extraordinary step undertaken by the North Korean regime.

That was anyways expected, right?

Furthermore, the news item also highlighted a quote from one of the close aides of the Korean dictator:

“Chairman Kim Jong Un asked to convey his feeling that he is greatly sorry that an unexpected and unsavory incident occurred in our waters which hugely disappointed President Moon Jae-in and compatriots in the South!”

So far, there haven’t been too many COVID-related deaths speaking of South Korea, where, as a matter of fact, there have been 395 fatalities according to global numbers.

Although, the exact number of fatalities in the bordering state of North Korea isn’t known at this point in time. But having said that, several months back in the day, Kim Jong-un had decided to ban all international travel into the country in a bid to keep off from the global pandemic which today has consumed hundreds of thousands around the world.

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But still- was killing the South Korean official the right step toward COVID-19 containment or did the dictatorial regime go one step too far in this extreme measure? Not really hard to guess, right?

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Dev Tyagi

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Dev Tyagi

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