
Planning To Travel To Rome Soon? Here Are All The Things To Do In Rome

When in Rome, do as the Romans do and here’s an elongated list of all that

Rome is one of the world’s oldest cities and it still stands strong and beautiful. There is so much to do and see when in Rome which is why it’s famously said that when in Rome, do as the Romans do. This proverb symbolizes the act of following conventions and traditions of a place that you’re visiting and residing in and so there is a lot that as tourists we all can do. This list includes all the best things you should visit, see, experience, eat, drink and live when in Rome.

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Rome as a city has a lot to offer, from delectable food to archaic and antiquated architecture. Another popular proverb around Rome is that Rome was not built in a day and only those who have visited this city can give confirmation about it.

So, if you are planning to visit the city anytime soon, or ever wish to, then you should definitely know about all of these things to do in Rome. We have covered it all, from places to see to things to do and dishes to eat.



Any visit to Rome is incomplete without a visit to Rome’s famous Colosseum which is one of the most iconic and renowned landmarks in the world.

Constructed between 70-80AD, at the time of its peak, Colosseum was able to hold 80,000 spectators which is a lot even to today’s standards. You can easily reach the place with the help of a metro.

St. Peter’s Basilica

Do Travel

After the Colosseum, the next thing to do in this list of things to do in Rome, you need to visit St. Peter’s Basilica which is one of the most celebrated and recognized religious buildings in the world.

This place is considered to stand as a true triumph of the Catholic religion’s power and decadence. It is also one of the holiest shrines in the world for Catholics.

The Pantheon


Another place that you should absolutely visit is The Pantheon which is one of the best-preserved ancient Roman buildings, not just in Rome but in the entire world. The Pantheon was constructed in 118 AD by emperor Hadrian.



Travelling to Rome and not enduring some delectable Gelato is almost a crime which is why one of the most important things to do in Rome is to taste and then gauge on Gelato.

It is a delicious dessert which can actually give ice-cream a run for its money.

The Spanish Steps


Now that you’re done with Gelato there is another stunning place waiting for you to step on and that is the Spanish Steps. Constructed in 1975, the 135 Spanish Steps are located in the Piazza Trinita Dei Monti and Piazza di Spagna.

Once you reach the top of these 135 steps you will find a large crucifix obelisk and many inscriptions that are carved into the stones.

Suggested Read: Best Honeymoon Destinations in Europe.

Vatican Museum


Vatican Museum is another beautiful and stunning places that you absolutely need to visit in order to completely crash the things to do in Rome list.

This museum has been made over the course of various centuries and by various Popes. This place houses some of the most important pieces of artwork and is an absolute must for every art and history fanatic.

The Vatican

The Times UK

There is a very interesting fact about Rome that boggles and interests every visitor and that is that Rome holds a small country within a country, called – The Vatican.

This is an independent state and is said to be one of the most important religious sites in the world. Residing at St. Peter’s Square, it is a place where many significant events have taken place.

Trevi Fountain

Taylor McIntyre / TripSavvy

Want to make a wish and bring good luck in your life? Then you should not miss out on Trevi Fountain which is known for its beautiful architecture and lavishly decorated sculptors.

The fountain was constructed in 1762 by Nicola Salvi and it pays tribute to the Roman God Oceanus. One of the absolute must things to do in Rome is to throw a coin into the fountain over your shoulder for good luck.

Authentic Pizza

Nonna Box

Another one of the great things to do in Rome is to devour on all the Pizza and Italian Red Wine that you can. Trust us, there is nothing like eating pizza and drinking red wine in Rome where every lane reminds you of the world lost and of the glorious time of breathtaking architecture.

Via Dei Coronari

Giovanni Carrieri

All done with monument visiting, now it’s time for some shopping since no trip is complete without some shop till you drop day. For this, you can visit Via Dei Coronari which is one of the oldest and finest streets in Rome where you can buy some exemplary antiques and gifts for your friends and family.

Or, you can also visit the Via Dei Condotti which another popular street in Rome, known for luxury and top-notch brands like Gucci, Prada, Dior, Dolce & Gabbana and many many more.

These were 10 of the absolute must things to do in Rome which will not only bring you closer to a spectacular place Rome but would also bring you face to face with some of the most breathtaking architecture in the world which is the representation of human history and life.

Suggested Read: The List of the Best Destinations in Europe for 2019

So, if and when you plan to visit Rome then you should definitely visit and do all of these things and enjoy the magnanimous beauty of this world.

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