Categories: Travel

5 Professions For People Who Just Love To Travel!

In this dreadful era where most of us are bound to our desks in a 9 to 5 job. Truth be told most of us may be okay with it but somewhere we are compromising on our happiness and satisfaction. The only thing that provides us a little portion of happiness is meeting new people, laughing at silly jokes and most of all traveling and exploring new places. How many times have you wished to get a secret donation of some millions in your account miraculously, so that you can travel the world?

Well, if you have, then you have got a soul of a wanderer who just wants to explore endless places on this earth. That desk job you are stuck in is definitely not meant for you and it’s time you start looking for a job that’s suitable for you.

Believe it or not, there are a few professions that will not only allow you to travel but will also keep your inner heart at peace and content. So how about you choose a profession from the list below to keep your sanity intact?

1. Tour Guide

source: Explara

It might not sound like a tempting job but the perks are unbelievable. You can be a full-time tour guide or you can opt for part-time. It will allow you to travel to different places, also you will get to meet new people often. All you need to do is to refine your organizing skills so that you can execute a trip with a group of people excellently. It will be fun.

2. Travel Writer

image source:outlooktraveller

Forget about those bloggers who never travel to place yet write about places all over the world. Putting your personal travel experience into words is the real deal. If you can literally include magic in your words, then you can be a travel writer who will get paid to travel and write. You will explore many cities, towns, their cultures, food, and all the major tourist attraction. All you have to do is to build a readership and a strong social media presence.

3. Travel Show Host

image source: pinterest

In a time where YouTube offers you to be a star anytime, you can actually put up a great show single-handedly. Oh, well, you might need a cameraman but if you think that you are a great speaker as well as a multitasker, you can actually do it all alone. Make sure you can engage people with your absolutely charismatic speaking skills and ability to interact with people flawlessly. All you need to do is to travel to places and put a video of the places and food that is exclusive there. A few months down the line, you show will get sponsors. Make sure your script and presentation are alluring enough to get more views and hits on your channel.

4. Cruise Crew

Don’t we all have that bucket list wish that revolves around going on a cruise? Well, Cruises are fun as well as expensive but if you don’t have sea sickness, you can actually fulfill your dream to be on a cruise. There are all sorts of people on a cruise from technicians to chefs, bartenders to performers and many others. So refine your best talent that can fit in for a cruise and spend your life as ship crew, you can enjoy deck parties, you get to see the world and the best part is that you will find tranquility in the silent waters.

5. Photographer

The camera will be your weapon and you will be a shining knight. Travel photographers are in demand. You can work solo or join a TV/ Film crew. If you can capture the beauty around you in the frames, you will travel to the coolest places on the earth and will get paid heavily. All you need to do is to click.

Aren’t all these professions fun? So ditch your 9 to 5 job and find the perfect job that you are destined to do.

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Avni S. Singh

Published by
Avni S. Singh
Tags: Travel

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