
Boris Becker All Set To Auction Trophies, Personal Souvenirs To Pay Off Debts

Ever heard that phrase, “how the mighy fall?” Well, you may have. You may not have. But if you are a tennis fan and are somewhat aware of the state of despair that has engulfed legendary Tennis star Boris Becker, then you may be able to understand what is meant by the aforementioned.

Boris Becker was once among the leading lights of the utterly competitive world of Tennis. At his prime, the German sensation had not one or two but 6 grand slams against his name.

He was ruling at a time where the likes of Stefan Edberg and Steffi Graf were going strong. Money, success, and unrivalled fame all belonged to him and there was hardly any dearth of these in the life of a man who grew from utterly modest standards before becoming a respected sporting figure in the world media.

But today, as the 51-year-old looks around him, there’s sufficient doubt about the fact whether there’s anything much around Boris Becker than a slew of financial struggles, that reached their peak in 2017.

After all, it was over a couple of years back that Boris Becker went bankrupt. After collecting decades of success in the glamorous world of Tennis- easily among the most expensive sports in the world- the Leimen-born star may never have imagined about the plunge his fortunes were about to take- isn’t it?

Now, it appears that a top British firm is all set to take several of his trophies, and personal souvenirs to an auction so that the fledgling star can revive his fortunes somewhat.

Source: Daily Mail

Yes, you read that right and this exactly is the sorry state of affairs that have surrounded the life of the once widely-successful German sporting icon.

A report published on NDTV on the issue stated the following:

Trophies and personal souvenirs belonging to German tennis star Boris Becker will be auctioned online from Monday by British firm Wyles Hardy to partially clear the bankrupt champion’s debts. The youngest winner in Wimbledon’s history, who claimed the first of three titles aged just 17, is auctioning off 82 items including medals, cups, watches, and photographs. The sale will end on July 11, Wyles Hardy said on its website.

Some of the trophies up for grabs include a replica of a Challenge Cup awarded to Becker following one of his Wimbledon wins, and the three-quarter size replica of the Renshaw Cup presented after he became the youngest ever Grand Slam singles champion.

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Dev Tyagi

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Dev Tyagi

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