Categories: Cricket

Watch: Ambati Rayudu Man Handles A Senior Citizen, Gets Slammed On Social Media

Road Rage is one of the prime concerns in India as despite how much the nation talks about intolerance, the bug of rage tends to take the better of them by unleashing an irrational angry persona.

However, when it comes to celebrities, India is also no expectation of the term called ‘Celebrity Controversies’ as we have witnessed several fights between a known figure and a media person, and for that matter, verbal duels between fans and celebrities, as well.

But when it comes to Indian cricket, something which fans religiously follow, something like this is a rarity. That being said, when it happens, it is followed by a huge rage from the followers.

One of such incident has been videoed and the subjected player is no other than Ambati Rayudu, who is also known for his verbal spat with Harbhajan Singh in the Indian Premier League, last year.

However, this time Ambati Rayudu went on touching new lows as he can be seen man handling a senior citing, who according to reports, was pointing out his rash driving outside Hyderabad’s Uppal Stadium on Wednesday.

Watch the video here:

( Video Courtesy: PTI News Corporation )

In the video, Ambati Rayudu can be clearly seen losing his temper when the senior citizen went on accusing him of rash driving while also making advances towards his Sports Utility Vehicle (SUV). Ambati Rayudu came out of his car and tried to punch the senior citizen while the bystanders tried to cool the matter.

For once, if we consider that the senior citizen used some harsh words against Ambati Rayudu, the fact still remains the same that the 31-Year-Old Hyderabad batsmen, who will be playing in the Duleep Trophy 2017-18 in September, was wrong on his part and rather than picking up a fight, he should have accepted his mistake and abide by the humanity code.

Everything said and done, what has happened has happened, and as expected, Ambati Rayudu had to be on the receiving side of a huge lash out by Twitterati and they left nothing behind to express their displeasure.

Moreover, this is not the first time and Ambati Rayudu is not the first one, who has been subjected to a Road Rage incident as in the year 2006, Navjot Singh Sidhu and his friend were charged and convicted by the Punjab and Haryana court for culpable homicide after a physical altercation with Gurnam Singh in 1988 in the aftermath of an overtaking incident led to the death of Gurnam.

Another former Indian cricketer, Venkatesh Prasad, in 2013, got into a legal tussle with ex-MLA LR Shivarame Gowda over an issue of road obstruction in Bangalore.

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Rohan Jaitly

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Rohan Jaitly

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