
Different Recurring Types Of Dreams That We All Have Had At Some Point In Life

Most of us have seen the film ‘Inception‘ starring Leonardo DiCaprio, which is quite a fiction but tells us that how the characters in this movie enter the brains of the other person through their dreams while they’re fast asleep and steal the ideas from their minds or rather implant the ones they want to achieve. These kinds of ideas are possible only in the movies but still, they leave us questioning the actual powers of our brains.

Many people dream every night and many don’t, and these dreams can be completely pointless and illogical or could also have some deep importance in one’s mind and unconscious thinking. Today, in this article were going to learn more about the different types of dreams and what causes them to occur in the first place, and whether or not, our dreams are trying to tell us something.  

According to National Sleep Foundation, an average human being dreams about four-six times every night. This fact is hard to believe or get a hold of but is indeed true. We tend to forget 95% of the dreams that we see the whole night. The dreams that we tend to remember the most are the ones that we’ve seen just before waking up. You can remember two dreams at most, or sometimes even three, based on how fast your brain was functioning or your Rapid Eye Movement sleep.

Dreams can be totally strange, which is quite normal and they are mostly affected by the events that we witness during the daytime. They could be related to our work, stress, pleasures, ideas and everything around us that we experience. Moreover, an interesting fact about dreams is that each and every face that we have seen in our dreams has been seen by us in our life. So, even if you think that you don’t know that person in your dream, you’ve indeed seen them somewhere.

Now, let’s move on to different types of dreams and what they mean to us.

Types of Dreams

1. Nightmares

These are scary dreams and they tend to disturb us the most. The reasons for seeing nightmares could be reading or watching scary movies or books, sleep deprivation, medication side effects or sleep disorders.

Even if you’re going through a lot of stress, you can possibly witness these frightening dreams. Nightmares mostly involve death or seeing death, physical violence, being chased or hunted, or horror related dreams, or even past traumas.

2. Night Terror

Night terrors are more common in young children than in adults and is basically a type of sleep disorders. When one experiences a night terror, he or she wakes up horrified, having a vague memory of the dream they saw. A person will wake up screaming, moving violently, sweating or breathing hard. These are technically not a certain type of dream but more like a sleep disorder.

Also Read : What Is the Meaning Of Dreams?

3. Lucid Dreams – Types of Dreams

These are the ones where a person is aware that he or she is dreaming while still being in the dream. Like most dreams, these happen in the Rapid Eye Movement sleep. These aren’t frequent but a study shows that 55% of people experience it at least once in their lives, which also makes it one of the rarest types of dreams one witnesses in their life.

4. Daydreams

This is the only type of dream where a person is actually awake while dreaming. They occur consciously, but still, a person won’t be aware of their surroundings when these occur. They mostly involve people that we either know or have had known before.

5. Recurring Dreams

These are the dreams that occur more than once. They can be neutral recurring dreams or even nightmares, stressing a significant experience you’ve gone through or thought about.

6. False awakenings – Types of Dreams

In this type of dream, one believes that he or she has woken up but actually haven’t. Waking up in these dreams are actually just a part of the dream itself.

7. Healing dreams

These bring you harmony, give you a sense of connection and they leave you full of joy. There isn’t much scientific information about these, except for the fact that these are utterly calming to one that has gone through them.

Also Read : What do our Dreams Mean?

8. Prophetic dreams

These are dreams that tend to tell us a little about our future. If you’ve had a dream where you see something happening and then it actually happens in the future, then you’ve seen a prophetic dream. The feeling of this dream is often also described as Déjà vu.

9. Vivid dreams – Types of Dreams

These are the ones associated with just waking up and these are most easily remembered.

So, these are some of the major types of dreams that one witnesses while sleeping. Many studies have claimed that a sleep without any dream is one of the most relaxing ones and our dreams often leave our minds tired. Whatever it is, dreaming is definitely one of the most interesting things that happen with us and it is certainly enjoyable.

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