Categories: Lifestyle

These Photographs Are A Combination Of Different Things And Real Definition Of Art

Art and creativity are each other’s best of friends, where there’s creativity, there would be art and in no sense does art only include making something. Anything and everything can be art you just need a perfect imagination and interest for finding it in the most random places ever. The same has been done by this photographer, whose simple idea of merging two pictures are some of the most artistic things you’ll see today.

Stephen Mcmennamy is an art photographer who has a knack for combining two completely different photos and making out something quite amazing out of it. These are a real piece of artwork and deserve every attention of yours, as each one of them is a result of some high-level creative thinking process.

Check them out now and find it yourself:











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28 December 2016
Jyotsna Amla

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Jyotsna Amla

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Jyotsna Amla

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