
Why Is Gluten Bad? How did we Become Gluten Intolerant? Let’s Find Out.

Have you ever felt, usually, a short time after eating, that your brain is foggy, and you cannot concentrate and can no longer think clearly when you feel as if you have taken drugs? If Yes, you might be gluten intolerant. But why is Gluten Bad?


Gluten Intolerance – Ignored by Conventional Medicine

There is a lot of information about dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and problems with concentration or ADHD. But there is hardly anything learned about the foggy senses caused by gluten.

Unfortunately, conventional medicine largely ignores brain fog, even though it is a widespread condition today. And so there is hardly any evidence in the medical literature about a foggy brain and the associated lack of mental clarity.

The Bun Creates Confusion

Affected people may spend many hours of their entire lives in a mental fog and unable to concentrate, draw quick conclusions, process information properly, and keep up at school or work. Such a condition can occur again and again during the day. But what Does Gluten Do To The Body to make you feel this way?

Does Gluten Cloud the Brain?

It could be the breakfast roll or sandwich for breakfast or the pasta for dinner. All of these foods contain cereals containing gluten. Gluten is a protein found in most cereals such as wheat, rye, oats, and barley.

It is gluten that can trigger these symptoms. There are certain reactions in the brain. There, the sensitive balance of hormones and other messenger substances is disrupted immensely. As a result, various mental health problems can arise, from depression to autism to schizophrenia.

But it can also just develop brain fog. And so, in this case, the described fog rises after every meal containing gluten and leads to mental breakdowns. Brain Fog is, therefore, the result of food intolerance, namely an intolerance or hypersensitivity to gluten.

Gluten – The Opium in Wheat

Gluten is difficult to digest. It is often not completely broken down into individual amino acids. Incompletely digested fragments of gluten remain. These protein fragments are called peptides. Depending on the condition of the intestinal mucosa, they can pass through the mucous membrane and enter the bloodstream.


Gluten peptides can now mimic the body’s own substances called endorphins, which have important functions in the brain and are involved in the sensation of pain or happiness and in controlling hunger. The gluten peptides are also called opioid peptides. The word opioid is derived from opium and indicates the misting effect of these peptides.

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The Consequences of Gluten Intolerance

Gluten peptides can also trigger allergic reactions. These can manifest themselves in swelling and inflammation. In contrast to a noticeable insect bite, peptides can cause swelling in the intestine, which is triggered by an allergic reaction but is not necessarily felt.

Allergic inflammation is even more difficult to detect when it occurs in the brain. The brain tissue does not possess the ability to make the problem felt through itching, pain, or swelling. Therefore, allergic inflammations in the brain are very subtle such as a nebulized feeling in the head.

Iron Deficiency Due to Intolerance to Gluten

Gluten intolerance, therefore, has its cause in the intestine. It does not necessarily make itself felt through indigestion, but often with chronic fatigue and the feeling of not being able to perform. Since anemia sometimes occurs in connection with gluten intolerance, it is often believed that constant fatigue comes from an iron deficiency.

However, poor iron absorption is only the result of gluten intolerance. If you avoid gluten in this case, iron is reabsorbed, and the anemia disappears.

Unfortunately, gluten can also trigger the opposite of fatigue, namely chronic nervousness. Even skin and tooth problems can be the result of gluten intolerance.

Causes of Gluten Intolerance


The most interesting question now is, How do we become Gluten Intolerant in the first place?

1. Gastric Acid Deficiency

Poor protein digestion can indicate a gastric acid deficiency. Even long-term chronic acidification of the tissue due to a long-term acidic diet and lifestyle can eventually exhaust the stomach acid production, making you gluten intolerant.

2. Damaged Intestinal Mucosa

If there is a stomach acid deficiency in the stomach, then incompletely digested gluten particles reach the intestine. Normally, incompletely digested particles should not be able to pass through the intestinal mucosa. It only happens if the intestinal mucosa is damaged.

3. The Grain is Not Suitable as a Basic Food

Cereals containing gluten are involved in the promotion of chronic hyperacidity and the destruction of the intestinal flora. In other words, gluten itself creates the conditions for gluten intolerance.

A Gluten-Free Diet

Since a gluten hypersensitivity once developed, the consumption of small amounts of gluten is sufficient to cause nebulous conditions. Only then will you find out whether gluten is also responsible for your reduced performance, poor concentration, and also for your brain fog.

The gluten-free experimental diet should be carried out consistently for at least four weeks and is also ideal for children. You will soon be able to grasp clear thoughts, your ability to concentrate will improve as well as your comprehension and learning ability. Even the mood will brighten significantly, and the mist will finally disappear.

Gluten-Free Diet – The Practice

Gluten is contained in common types of cereals like wheat, rye, barley, and oats, and thus in all foods that contain these cereals in any form. These are mainly baked goods, confectionery, and pasta (flour, bread, pasta, cakes, cookies, sweet particles, etc.).

Of course, in many finished products (soups, sauces, desserts, sweets, etc.), gluten-containing flours are also included as a binding agent and should be avoided or replaced with gluten-free products.

The Gluten-free Diet is not Difficult, and it Only Requires a Little Getting Used to and Flexibility at First.


1. Instead of wheat flour, choose buckwheat, corn, or millet flour. When baking, however, you should stick to special recipes for gluten-free cakes, bread, etc., because gluten-free flour precisely because of the lack of gluten cannot bind it.

2. Instead of bread made from wheat or rye, choose whole wheat bread, whole wheat bread, whole rice bread or whole buckwheat bread.

3. Instead of durum wheat pasta, you can use buckwheat noodles, corn noodles, or soy noodles. However, make sure that the pasta is 100% gluten-free and that no durum wheat has been added.

4. Instead of oatmeal muesli, there will be gluten-free muesli, gluten-free flakes, or gluten-free crispy breakfast in the future.

5. When shopping, look for the symbol for gluten-free. It is a crossed-out grain ear. You can find a particularly large number of gluten-free products online. 

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Akash Saini

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Akash Saini

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