Categories: Health

Say Goodbye To Period Pimples Through These 6 Ways

Period Pimples suck and you can keep them at bay with these 6 ways.

Who doesn’t hate those period pimples? The ones who always come on time even when Period gets late, I mean come on, why all the trauma? We already have to deal with constant pain and uneasiness, and on top of that what we get? Some ugly zits and pimples that take too much of your time to hide them.

However, there are various things that you can do in order to bid adieu to them and even make them disappear for forever. But then it requires a lot of commitment, which is necessary if you want to achieve a clear and spotless skin.

In the midst of all this, you need to understand that Period Pimples happen to everyone and even if these remedies don’t end up working for you (the chances of what are really low), this doesn’t mean that you have to be low about your appearances.

So, check out the 6 ways in which you can keep Period Pimples at bay.

1. Cleanliness Goes A Long Way

source: Pinterest

No matter how messy you are, there are certain things that you need to be a cleanliness freak about. Lay down some ground rules for yourself, which would include occasional hand washing and the optimum usage of hand sanitizer. Clean hands mean no germs, which is a blessing for your face. Plus, always remember to regress yourself from touching your face more often than not.

2. Don’t Take Stress

source: Playbuzz

Taking an excessive amount of stress doesn’t only affect your mental health but also plays a huge role in how you look. Stress can cause acne and skin break out, so always remember to not think a lot about minute things and surround yourself with happy thoughts. Excessive stress has not done any good for anyone.

3. Drink Water

source: CureJoy

We all know how beneficial water is for our skin, however, we still forget to consume it. Can we be any lazier with our skin care? However, drinking a ton of water helps one’s body a lot. Actually, drink water as soon as you wake up and keep on having the desired amount over the course of a day, this helps in flushing out toxins from your body and you’re left with clear and glowing skin.

4. Spot Treatment

source: Styles At Life

Bring that spot treatment into action during these dreadful days and get started with it, as soon as, you catch the first glimpse of it. Heck, start using the spot treatment as soon as you felt the arrival of something itchy and zity.

5. Put A Stop On Binge Eating Junk

source: Pinterest

Yes, I know how the craving for certain kind of junk is at its peak level when you’re about to get your period, however, your face looks like the things that you consume. A whole lot of junk food, without any consideration, is sure to result in an excessive amount of skin break out. Rather than junk food, try to satisfy your craving with the help of some healthy snacks.

6. Get The Fancy Skincare Out


Try to substitute your regular skincare routine with something more fancy schmancy or with that which works specifically towards the acne issue. Yes, this does mean that you’ll have to shed few more bucks, however, there are very few things that are more rewarding and beautiful to look at than a clear face, can we admit this ladies?

Now you know all the things that should be taken care of before your next monthly date.

9th August 2017
Jyotsna Amla

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Jyotsna Amla

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Jyotsna Amla

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