Categories: Health

8 Amazing Benefits Of Quinoa That Will Push You To Consume This Magical Grain

These are 8 amazing benefits of Quinoa for your body, hair, and skin, and they prove that this grain is truly a magical seed for all your problems.

Quinoa is one of the most talked about grain in the market as of now. Everyone and I literally mean every*freaking*one is getting it, consuming it and can’t stop raving about it. From fitness bloggers to so-called Fitness freaks, everyone is raving about these magical grain like seeds.

However, it isn’t just a fad that does nothing good for you, it actually has a ton of benefits and every one of those is directly positive for our health, body, skin, and hair.

So, today, we thought of listing out all the benefits of Quinoa that have made this magical grain gain all the popularity that it has today. A simple change in your diet and implementing this magical grain can help you in bidding adieu to some of the most lasting problems, and we all know how good it feels.
Here are 8 amazing benefits of Quinoa for your body, skin, and hair.

1. Treats Acne

One of the best-known benefits of Quinoa is that it helps one in treating the rigid acne we all suffer from. It helps in decreasing the sebum product and this helps in magically shooing away the not-so-amazing acne.

2. Rejuvenates Your Skin From Within

source: Pinterest

When they say good things bring in a change from within, almost 70% of the time they’re talking about the benefits of Quinoa. Consuming Quinoa seeds help in providing ample amount of collagen to the body and this, in turn, helps in reducing wrinkles and rejuvenating the skin from within. All these changes and benefits help one in reducing and slowing down the signs of ageing and make you keep on looking young with a soft and supple skin.

3. Treats Dandruff

If you’re also suffering from torturous dandruff like most of the people, then you should absolutely try Quinoa. Other major benefits of Quinoa are its power of treating Dandruff because of all the important minerals that it has. Calcium, phosphorous and iron, seal in the moisture in your scalp. This helps you in avoiding flaky and dry scalp.

4. Reduces Risk of Heart Strokes

source: Pinterest

With all the proteins in Quinoa, the risk of having a heart stroke is easily avoidable and can help you in not getting one. Along with proteins, there are many dietary fibres in Quinoa too that help in satiating your hunger and helps you in feeling full for a longer period of time as it binds to the cholesterol and fat in the body.

5. Helps In Losing Weight

There’s nothing more filling with less amount of calories, than a cup of Quinoa. This is one of the best benefits of Quinoa, as its high nutrient and low-calorie property make it one of the most sought after food choice for all those who are looking for a healthy meal for weight loss.

6. Great For Diabetics

source: Pinterest

If you or anyone in your family and friends, is suffering from Diabetics then do recommend them Quinoa. Quinoa has a low glycemic index, which actually indicates the rate at which the carbohydrate that you consume every day can affect the glucose metabolism rate in your body. Because of this, Quinoa is considered a safe bet for all the diabetics patients.

7. Provides Hydration and Nourishment To The Scalp

Quinoa has certain humectants that help in forming an invisible film over your scalp which keeps it hydrated, nourished and even protects it from the excruciating pollution and all the problems that it brings in with it.

8. Helps In Quick Healing Of Damaged Tissues

This is one of the greatest benefits of Quinoa and has worked wonders for people. Quinoa contains lysine which helps in providing an apt amount of collagen and elastin to the skin. However, our body doesn’t synthesize lysine which is the reason why one can only get it through certain diet. Lysine also helps in healing damaged tissues and push scar tissue and ligaments for a quick recovery.

Quinoa is also a very easily digestible and gluten free food which makes it a wonderful item to have.

12th September 2017
Jyotsna Amla

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Jyotsna Amla

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Jyotsna Amla
Tags: foodHealth

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