Categories: Health

6 Things That Are Ruining Your Skin and You Need To Avoid Them Now!!

We all desire and need soft, smooth and clear skin, but things like these come with a lot of precautions and right measures. At times, we don’t know about things that can be harmful for our skin and eventually lead to rather more undesirable returns.

Acne, rashes and breakouts are some of our worst enemies that we do not want in our lives and body (for that matter). But there are some habits of ours, more like bad habits of ours that are slowly and steadily thrashing our lifelong dreams of clear skin. Some are unintentional and some our intentional, but they all have a negative effect on us and our skin.

So, here are some habits/things that one should avoid in order to get luminous and clear skin.

1. Coffee Addict

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One of our favourite beverages that brings us back to life after a not so great sleep that we got last night, Coffee, it is truly a life saviour for every man and women out there. But it is also doing a lot to our skin and let me be true to you, it’s not good. Caffeine is behind our dry and not so glowing skin, as well as aggravation of wrinkles before the right time. So, limit your caffeine intake and go for much better options like water and if simple water does not sail your boat then try fruit infused water that gives a refreshing and tasty kick to the plain and boring water.

2. Hot Showers for Long

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Okay so I do realise the importance of hot showers after a long and tiring day, they are the only thing (except sleep) that we look forward to in the evening. But this relaxing blessing is affecting us, hot water strips away our natural oils and the outer layer of epidermis which in turn, leaves us with a dry and scaly skin (which no one wants to have). When your skin starts to feel itchy and red, move out from the shower, it is your body giving you signals that you are done for the day.

3. Way too much talking on the phone

Courtesy: tumblr

Phone is such a great invention, they cut through the time and space between two (or more) people and brings them together, we all can agree to this basic importance that a phone plays in our life. But talking for way too long on your phone is going to induce your skin to suffer from acne, breakout and rashes on your cheeks and jawline. As our phone collects a lot of dust, so keep some antibacterial wipes with you or use the mighty gifts like speakers and headphones.

4. Where’s your sleep?

Courtesy: tumblr

Everyone knows about the golden rule of 8 hours sleep in order to get a healthy and refreshing mind and body. A good skin is also a result of a good sleeping schedule but we often take it for granted due to the lack of time or to squish in one more episode of our favourite TV series. But that’s wrong, totally wrong so come on, take your beauty sleep.

5. Say no to excess sodium

Courtesy: simplyhijama

Sodium which is present in salt, is harmful for your skin if taken in excess. Yes, salt, our beloved salt, that magically uplifts the entire taste of a dish is dismantling your dreams of a clear skin if consumed in large quantities. Sodium sucks out the moisture from your skin and eventually leaves it looking dry and dull, so intelligently economise on your salty treats and keep your skin moisturised every time.

6. No don’t skip those meals

Courtesy: tumblr

Admit it, we all have skipped meals in order to fit into a dress for some important occasion or to magically get fit. But do you know, skipping meals result into our skin aging faster and dry out more quickly. So try to eat regularly and incorporate essential vitamins like vitamin A (carrots), B3 (fish), E (almonds) and C (berries) in your day-to-day meals for a nice and healthy skin.

Therefore, keep in mind these simple tips and your skin will listen to you and results shall be your. So, say Adios to bad skin day and Hello to good skin life.

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19 September 2016
Jyotsna Amla

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Jyotsna Amla

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Jyotsna Amla

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