Categories: Health

5 Signs You Are Actually A Psychopath!

Every once in awhile, the thought might have crossed your mind that if you are a psychopath or not. It happens with every one. There comes a situation where we question ourselves “this is not the way we are suppose to behave”. Maybe you just cried in a really funny situation or started laughing over a really sad news.

Our mind plays these tricks and left us wondering if we are behaving like a normal human being or not? And when we these questions hammer our brain we take all sorts of quizzes and test to know if anything is wrong or it’s just normal. Some of us get so disturbed with the thought that we visit therapists to clear our doubts.
If you fall in this category than you don’t need a doctor to clears the thoughts-cloud. Here is the list of 5 signs that you may have harboured some qualities of a psychopath. But before you read these remember we aren’t saying that you are a psychopath. We are just listing some qualities that have been found in such people. You may or may not fall under this category.

1. Your Blame Game Is On 24*7

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Whatever hurtful happens around you it is never your fault simply because you always find someone to blame it on. You are hardly in trouble because you always put everything on someone else. But if you ever find yourself under a situation where you have no one else to blame, you just smile or talk your way out of it.

2. You Just Hate To Lose.

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No, we aren’t talking about a healthy competition. It is literally a next level obsession. You just hate, absolutely hate losing. You believe that someone like you, who of course, is awesome, best and knows everything about everything. could never lose. But if you do, it’s never just a coincidence or your fault, it is because somebody conspired against you. That’s how your brain works.

3. Guilt, Empathy And Shame Aren’t Really Your Cup Of Tea!

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You consider emotions as a weakness so words like guilt, empathy or shame do not exist in you dictionary. Because hey! You are stronger than everyone, how could you feel all these petty emotions.

4. You Are A Pro At Lying.

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Ohh God! You can literally look deep into someone’s eyes and tell them the biggest lie in the world and they would believe you. You are the Batman of lying world and you don’t even value honesty.

5. You Never Learn From Your Mistake.

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How Could You? After all, nothing is really your fault right? According to you, you never make mistakes so, the point of learning from them doesn’t exists.

These are few habits of people who fall under the Psychopath category. You may have one or two of them which is absolutely normal but if you have all 5 of them, then my friend, run to a therapist as we don’t want you to be like one.

12 July 2017
Avni S. Singh
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Avni S. Singh

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Avni S. Singh

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