Food & Drink

Here Is Easy To Make Banana Cake Recipe Without Oven Usage

Who needs an occasion to have a cake? More so, if that cake is made of wheat flour and bananas – two very healthy combinations as compared to other traditional cakes. Banana cake has been in vogue for ages. When someone says banana cake it refreshes the memory of old baker houses of the 90s. It is one of the most devoured desserts and my absolute favourite. I was quite happy when the pandemic brought back the lost popularity of banana cake. Today, we have brought to you the preparation of the banana cake recipe without the oven. So, let’s dig into it. But before that, with a view to cater to a larger audience this cake is also prepared without eggs.  

Ingredients to Prepare Banana Cake

Image: Pixabay/Tonda Tran

Bananas: You will need at least 4 ripe bananas. This recipe works even better if the bananas are overripe. 

Flour: To keep it healthy the suggestion is to use wheat flour. 

Oil: Again the suggestion is to use virgin olive oil. But in case you do not have it handy you can use vegetable oil. A few people even use butter instead of oil. 

Vanilla Extract: To add flavour to this banana cake recipe prepared without the oven we have used vanilla extract. You can additionally add other ground species. To add aroma to the cake you can make use of cinnamon or pumpkin spice but that is optional. 

Nuts: A few pieces of finely cut walnuts.

Sugar: As per the sweetness needed.

Other Ingredients: Chocolate chips or coconut flakes to be added as toppings. You can skip this if you want to keep your cake healthy.

Preparation of Batter for the Banana Cake Recipe Without the Oven

1. Mash the 4 ripe or overripe bananas with the use of a fork. Ensure that no chunks of bananas are left behind. The mixture should be smooth to get that perfect texture. If needed you can even blend these bananas. 

2. Now add 1 tablespoon of vanilla extract, ½ a cup of sugar and ⅔ cups of virgin olive oil to the mixture of the mashed bananas. 

3. Keep stirring till the sugar melts in the mixture completely.

4. Place a vessel beneath the sieve and then add 1 ½ cup of wheat flour, ½ tablespoon of baking powder and 1 tablespoon of baking soda in it. You can also add a pinch of salt to the mixture and sift it nicely. Now add the flour mixture from the vessel to the banana mixture and stir well.

5.  At this stage if the mixture looks very thick then you can add almond milk or normal milk to give the batter the required consistency. Remember to add milk only if the wheat flour is forming lumps and not dissolving completely in the mixture.

6. Add walnut pieces at this stage. If you can, you can additionally add pistachios or almonds along with walnuts. 

7. Transfer the batter in an aluminium cake mould.

Process To Make Banana Cake Recipe Without Oven

Image: Pixabay

1. Take a pressure cooker and remove its rubber ring as well as its whistle. 

3. Put the cooker on the stove at the lowest flame.

4. Add a tablespoon of sea salt in the cooker and spread it evenly. 

5. Now add around two inches of water to the cooker and place the trivet in the cooker at the centre.  

6. Place the cake mould on the trivet in the cooker and close the lid. 

7. Leave the cooker in the given position for around 40 minutes. 

8. After 40 minutes with the help of the toothpick check if the cake is ready. If the toothpick comes out without any batter on it then it’s time to take the cooker off the stove. 

9. Once the cake is ready remove the cake mould and let it settle. At this stage, if you want then you can add chocolate chips on the top. 

10. Serve the cake when it is warm or even after it is completely cold with tea or coffee.

Suggested read: How To Make A Cake With Chocolate 


This banana cake recipe prepared without an oven will surely make you happy and serve well to your taste buds. Plus, do not forget that we have not used maida or eggs in it and have tried to keep it as healthy as possible. 

This could be a quick recipe to make a banana cake for any occasion from a birthday celebration to baking on a rainy day for evening snacks. Do try it and write to us in the comment section as to how you liked it. 

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Payal Gajiwala

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Payal Gajiwala

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