Categories: Lifestyle

6 Personality Traits Of October Born People!

Like any other month, October born people have a personality of their own and the one thing you should know is that they are simply charismatic. Each month born people are born with different personality traits and qualities. As much as jubilant an October born individual seem, they are quite secretive.

October born people have unique a personality, so if you are someone who stepped into this world in the month of October or have a close one who was born in the same month, then dive deeper and know about some lesser known traits of them.

1. Romance Is Their Territory!

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People born in October are utterly romantic. They will sweep you off your feet with their charming talks and ability to make you laugh. They are very attractive to women and tend to win them over easily. Usually, they like to flirt but when they commit, they really mean it.

2. They Are Emotionally Intelligent.

Those who are born in this month, have a high Emotional Intelligence. They are aware of their emotions as well others. They are usually empathic about others but if you hurt them they would turn cold as ice.

3. Building Friendship Is As Easy As Pie For Them.

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Because they are very well versed, they know how to initiate a friendship with people. They easily make new friends and always stand by them. Their charm helps them work the magic and they keep people around them happy and smiling even in the hardest situations of life.

4. They Always Look Forward To Achieving Their Aim.

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They are not completely driven by ambition or really ambitious but if they have been assigned to complete any task, they make sure that they give their best. They are good finishers and accomplish every task regardless of difficulty level.

5. Smart Spenders.

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Now one may think that they save a hell lot of money but the truth is that they believe in spending their hard earn money smartly. You will find them shedding money out of their wallet in no time given the situation where it is needed but they don’t like to be careless in the matters of their bank balance.

6. They Are Always Brimming With Smile.

source: Pinterest
People born in October are said to be the Happy Go Lucky people. They are always smiling and happy. They know that dealing with problems is not easy but overthinking it and killing the mental peace would do no good to them, so they choose to solve everything with a good mood. They live in the moment most of the time.
Don’t you think that October born people are just great? Well, you may find exceptions who do not bear these personality traits but don’t get disheartened, they too have other charismatic qualities.
Don’t forget to share this with someone who is born in the month of October.
18 October 2017
Avni S. Singh
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Avni S. Singh

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Avni S. Singh

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