
Delhi Riots: Multiple Sources Ask A Simple Question: Whether The Intelligence Bureau Official Was Killed To Send A Message?

Onlookers, who admit that it could have been them, on that fateful day, just like the deceased (Ankit Sharma), suggest he was killed. They have already shared it was going to be tough to save him, primarily because owing to the excesses of violence around, the most they could do on that fateful day of riots in Delhi was to save themselves. In fact, many have claimed that the fact they escaped alive, was purely out of good fortune. So what’s happening? How did Ankit Sharma actually die? Who has the clarity?

Moreover, the way in which the body of the deceased was recovered- having been dumped in the mud- slithered into pieces seems to suggest that there’s no element of doubt in Intelligence Bureau official Ankit Sharma’s death: he was chopped and subjected to inhuman treatment.

But when a person goes away, he leaves behind an entire family shocked and gutted.

In order to even take full cognizance of just what this loss meant to his family, you can simply have the heart of YouTube-ing the video in which news channels are interacting with the former Intelligence Bureau personnel’s mother.

And truth be told, something will disturb you, not only for the pleading and wailing mother, who is shell-shocked but also because you learn of the apathy that has taken a grip over our lives.

How did we let this happen; how did the riots in Delhi start; have we as a society stooped to such a low that we are now witnessing and examining each other as being mere purveyors and extensions of our religions and religious beliefs; turning a blind eye on humanity?

Zee News

Nonetheless, one among several or should we say countless episodes of ghastly crimes that took place during the riots in Delhi pointed to the strange demise of Ankit Sharma, another young life lost, one that had chosen to put his journey into the service of the nation; opting to work for the Intelligence Bureau.

But news reports, ever since the aftermath of the macabre episode have pointed to what might have been the intent behind killing the former Intelligence Bureau official?

And as it happens always many have already suggested that this death was down to the outbreak of massive violence that engulfed North-east Delhi instead of it being a select occurrence.

So, therefore, we all need to know and truly since the Nation “deserves” to know: what happened to Ankit Sharma for real; was this glowing young life a casualty of the collective cacophony of violence or was his demise part of a targetted killing, which, many suggest was the case?

The intelligence establishment – after analyzing the prima facie sequence of events, some statements, and initial medical opinion – is convinced that Sharma’s death appeared to be a murder with a motive. “The sequence indicates that the killers may have been trying to send across a message. This is bigger than what meets the eye,” as told by a senior Intelligence Bureau official to the Times of India.

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Dev Tyagi

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Dev Tyagi

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