Categories: India

‘Happy Diwali’: 5 Ways To Celebrate Eco-Friendly ‘Diwali’

Diwali- the festivals of lights, is just around the corner. With mere 9 days left for the major Hindu festival, the markets are flooded with gifts, crackers, gifts and much more.

Like every year, the auspicious occasion of Diwali will be celebrated at a large scale by the people. Something which brings happiness but also some strains on the environment as well as on the pockets.

While people are forced to spend lavishly on the Diwali gifts, the bursting of crackers will cause noise and air pollution. Moreover, the trend will create more waste with excess food and plastic packaging.

But why to regret later and not just make some adjustments at present. Yes, it’s possible.  You can give a tinge of green (environment friendly) to the festivals of lights this year just by making some changes in the decoration pattern and gifting ways.

Take a look:

  1. Not Crackers, Burst Balloons!

It would sound funny but Diwali doesn’t just stands for bursting crackers. Though, crackers are something we have been relating to the festival since our childhood but why not go different this time.

Take some colored balloons and fill them with glitter and small pieces of dazzling papers. Choose the balloons in bright and vibrant colors like red, green, blue and orange to give a festive feel. Burst the balloons and dance in the shower of glitters with your friends and family.

You can also burn a bonfire (if you have no space issues) and celebrate the occasion in a different style. 

  1. Light Oil Diyas

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Celebrate Diwali this year by bringing in the old oil diyas instead of candles and electric diyas. The best thing about them is that they are made from eco-friendly materials, can be used again for many times.

In contrast, candle diays are petroleum based and can be used only once. Also, they release toxins in the air while burning.

By sticking to the traditional earthen lamps and diyas, you can save a great deal for the environment as well as help the potters survive in the market of synthetic products.

  1. Homemade Sweets

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In the Diwali season, the consumption of sweets shoots up like a sky rocket. With regular orders from individuals, business and companies, it becomes quite difficult for the shopkeepers to maintain the balance between demand and supply with limited resource in hand. Thus, it gives push to us of synthetic materials in making of sweets. Plus the excessive packaging will create more waste.

So, spend some more time in your kitchen before the festival and prepare the laddoos, gulab jamuns, barfi and other mithais at home. Find out some good recipes and amaze the friends and relatives with special flavor of sweets.

  1. Hand-made Cards

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You will find plenty of Diwali cards and gifts in the shop next door but there’s no match to the handmade presents.  Be creative and you can make a beautiful greeting card using chart paper, scissors, glitter & glow paint, etc.

Also, give a personalized touch to your gifts by making them yourself instead of buying it from the market. If you can’t make anything, choose the gifts made from natural materials such as khadi saree, kurta, bed sheets or cloth purse.

It will speak volumes for your feelings.

  1. Natural Rangoli

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Why not say goodbye to artificial & synthetic colors and make natural rangoli from fresh flowers or colors prepared from natural ingredients. Decorate your rangoli with flowers like lotus, roses, chrysanthemums and leaves.

You can also go for Kolam, the rangoli made from rice flour/chalk powder or rice paste.  It is very popular in South India.

Kolam ingredients are also a way of feeding food to the small creatures like ants and birds. Also, it will act as compost for your garden, the next day.

3 Nov 2015


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