
COVID 19 Update: New Cases In Delhi Keep Touching Northward In Disenchanting News

In what comes across as a disenchanting piece of news, there seems to be no end to the rise in COVID 19 cases from the national capital of a country that seriously needs to do something about the contagious virus situation before it’s too late.

Or should we all be wondering, has it already become too late? What happens from hereon in? News confirms that where New Delhi stands in terms of COVID 19 cases, then in the past 24 hours, there have been no fewer than 1,379 cases. This makes for a rather serious situation.

Therefore, the notion that all’s well is anything but true and is, simply- a figment of one’s imagination.

Is it not?

Not just New Delhi, but Mumbai and Chennai too, have seen no respite from the rising COVID 19 cases and from a global standpoint, India is easily inside the top five nations worst-hit by the highly contagious infection.

This is both utterly disappointing and perplexing in that while much of the world has already begun the walk toward normality, embracing the post-COVID-19 world, here’s India grappling with a contentious situaiton.

And it’s not only that India is facing the heat from a blaring medical condition that fractured the functioning of much of the wider world. To note that its ongoing crisis with China seems to have found no tenable diplomatic measure also poses a new worry in sight.

So what on earth is happening to India, one of the most important tenets of the socio-economic sphere of Asia and an undoubtedly vital resource in global trade?

That being said, a recent report published in the Business Standard publication arrest the catastrophe of the COVID 19 cases with reference to a growing number from the heart of the country, i.e., the national capital:

Maharashtra’s Coronavirus tally has jumped to 206,619 with 6,555 new cases being registered on Sunday. With 2,244 fresh infections, Delhi’s tally of coronavirus cases has crossed 100,000-mark.

Source: Business Standard

Hundreds of scientists, meanwhile, have claimed there is evidence that novel coronavirus in smaller particles in the air could infect people. They have called for the World Health Organization to revise its recommendations.

All of that said told, it’s not that the actions to take remedial measures against this ‘giant killer’ have been anything even remotely successful.

It was only a few days back in time where the authorities singled out Baba Ramdev’s Patanjali’s so-called medicine, which, the company claimed was the much-needed answer to the growing cause of concern.

No day passes by where we do not hear about some new fiasco. In the last month, it didn’t make for a heartening piece of news to know of Delhi hospitals’ utter failure and negligence at handling those aggrieved by the COVID 19 pandemic. So fraught were circumstances back then that the Supreme Court had to call out the central government in the national capital to pull up its socks and bestow dignity and utmost care upon COVID 19 patients.

Suggested Read: Home Minister And Defence Minister Visit Newly Created 1000-bed COVID Hospital in Delhi

Then on top of it, there are those pieces of news from around the world where it’s confirmed that several hospitals quite simply, deny medical care to patients strangulated by the Coronavirus. How on earth can such a thing happen? Is there a space in a modern democracy for such callous behaviour?

Who knows what might happen in the coming days. So far- there have been 19,700 deaths due to the Coronavirus.

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Dev Tyagi

Published by
Dev Tyagi
Tags: New Delhi

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