
You Can Now Get Alcohol Delivered At Home But Via App In Delhi!

Of the many things that the lockdown in Delhi, much like in any other city anywhere in the world, snatched away from the commoner, was the love to have a drink. And while it is just not possible to have a drink stepping outdoors since bars and restaurants aren’t open as yet, it’s still possible to get the hang of a bottle or as many as you like. Wow, sweet, right? But how so? What’s made it possible to have alcohol.

Here’s a clue- you can have it in the comfort of your home, typically speaking of Delhi and no longer need to venture out to find the nearest wine shop.

But how did it all become possible?

Now, thanks to an app, you can actually get alcohol home-delivered and this very piece of news has made roaring storylines on the opening day of June 2021. What is confirmed is that the home delivery of alcohol is now permissible in the city of Delhi but under ammended excise rules.

Though, the above told, this isn’t the only piece of news that’s making heads turn and perhaps with much relief in the city of Delhi. What’s also confirmed is the fact that under the amended excise rules, the clubs as well as bars attached to hotels have been allowed to serve liquor. But this can be done in open spaces, for instance- terraces and balconies and even courtyards.

This should surely bring a sigh of much-wanted relief to Delhi-ites who may have been exhausted by the tyranny of the lockdown, which swept away any hopes to lead a normal life. You know things that one does in one’s routine existence- going out for a drink, sitting in a swanky hotel’s courtyard to raise a glass in the divine company of friends.

Also Read: How Did Delhi Bring Down Its COVID Count From 28,000 Cases To Little Over 1000?

That told, the following information was published on a key Indian Express news report that explains the situation under the amended excise rules:

According to the Delhi Excise (Amendment) Rules, 2021, published in a gazette notification on Monday, holders of L-13 license will be allowed to deliver liquor at the doorstep of people.

“Licence in Form L-13 for home delivery of Indian liquor and Foreign Liquor by ordering through mobile app or online web portal.

Furthermore, the notification also shared the following: “The licensee shall make delivery of liquor at the residences only if order is received through mobile app or online web portal and no delivery shall be made to any hostel, office, and institution!”

It’s also known that several portals and apps have been specifically developed for the purpose of home delivery of alcohol in Delhi. Though, only those traders can be allowed to engage in the business of home delivery who have in their possession, the much-needed L-13 license.

Though, what’s changed now as compared to the previous times is that while home delivery of alcohol was permissible in Delhi, it wasn’t until and unless one placed an order via an E-mail or fax. Interestingly, it didn’t include the scope to place orders through a usual phone number.

But now, that requirement has been changed to good effect. So what are you waiting for? Life doesn’t need a grand occasion to pop open a champagne bottle fellas! Just go for it.

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Dev Tyagi

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Dev Tyagi
Tags: Delhi

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