
Delhi Eyes Ambitious Green Cover By 2025

It appears that the future of green cover in Delhi is about as ambitious a plan laid out by the Delhi government as is the hope of the average man from the city to see a clean and bright future.

So have you ever wondered about the green cover in Delhi, the way it would seem in the course of the future? At the present moment, among the big concerns staring most state governments and administrations, are battling the vastly receding green spaces in various parts of the country.

What does the future of green cover in Delhi look like is something that demands immense and intense examination? There is hardly a doubt about the fact that we are prevailing at a time where much of the ecological and environmental action pertaining to states and cities is focused purely in one direction; toward increasing the green cover.

Just how to increase the green cover amid times marked by stringent and constant population rise and massive urbanization.

Isn’t that what bothers most of us? But that said, it can be said with a certain confidence that it appears that that the central government has decided how the course of the future may seem.

In setting what can only be called a rather ambitious target of an increase in the green cover in Delhi, it appears that the imminent future might bring a mighty change on the horizon, provided one proceeds as per the intended goal and area of focus.

So now the question arises- just what comprises the plan of the governments where it comes to the future of green cover in Delhi?

Delhi currently eyes a 25 percent increase in green cover for the year 2025. To put it succinctly, there are 5 years remaining ahead in which the overall green cover-as expected to be targeted- should grow by as much as 5 percent, each year.

Does that seem too narrow a time-frame in which to gather a huge lot or does it seem that what Delhi faces is a highly gettable target?

Business Standard elaborated on the developing story and added:

At present, Delhi’s green cover, comprising forest and tree cover, is 305.4 sq km or 20.6 percent of the total area, according to the latest India State of Forest Report (ISFR) released in 2017. It was 20.2 percent in 2015.

The National Forest Policy aims at bringing a minimum of one-third of India’s total geographical area under green cover.

The green cover should be at least 66 per cent of the total area in hilly regions and 20 per cent in the plains.

But that said, it’s also important to understand the views of one of the most eminent bodies in the whole of the national capital: the Delhi high court!

A senior official said that on the directions of the Delhi High Court, the forest department has prepared a green action plan which proposes to increase the national capital’s green cover to 25 per cent by 2025.

“But it can be done only if adequate land is given to us. We have suggested that the Delhi Development Authority (DDA) hand over the land in the ‘O’ zone of the Yamuna banks to us,” the official said.

“The forest department needs around 6,500 hectares more to achieve the target. Furthermore, a total 9,000 hectares of land is available in the ‘O’ zone,” he said.

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Dev Tyagi

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Dev Tyagi

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