
Have The Delhi Restrictions Been Extended? If So, Until When?

The Delhi restrictions that one believed were to have been softened and eased up a bit have been extended and now if you are wondering as to until when will the restrictions last then the date is June 7. That being said, it does little to change the fact that the factories and construction sites will be hampered. For a few hours back, none other than the honourable CM of Delhi Shri Kejriwal announced that come May 31 and there shall be an allowance given to continuation of factory works and construction sites.

Although, the above being told there’s a sense of dissonance with the local population since one was expecting more relaxation pertaining to the Delhi restrictions. Even the CM is aware of the disenchantment his public is experiencing on account of the extension of the Delhi restrictions. But that being said, what’s important is to curb down the level of infections so that the overall rate reaches a more comfortable level and things can be better managed.

Moreover, that’s not all; there is more to the extension of the Delhi restrictions as well as the easing up of the lockdown situations. Therefore, in this context, it is important to note that those companies that are going to be in an operational mode can do so provided they follow the currently existing norms related to the social distancing and coronavirus norms as well as the staffer shifts.

In addition to the above, here’s what an NDTV report had to say on the prime story from the heart of India’s national capital:

Delhi on Saturday recorded 956 new COVID-19 cases, the lowest in over two months, and 122 more deaths from the infection while the positivity rate fell to 1.19 per cent from a high of 36 per cent in March, according to data shared by the health department.

This is the first time the cases count has gone below the 1,000-mark since March 22 when the tally was 888. On March 21, 823 cases were recorded.

Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said that about 900 cases in a day have emerged after a long time and “I hope that as and when the cases decrease in the upcoming weeks, we will continue to unlock further. We want the economic activities to come back on track so that the economy can be revived”.

While to many of us, the government’s decision may have sounded depressing and lowly, it only makes sense to exercise greater caution instead of thinking that all’s fine and things are back to normal. We have seen the carnage that took hold of the massive country back in April. Therefore, why not tread with more caution?

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Dev Tyagi

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Dev Tyagi

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