
Air Quality In Delhi NCR Cities In Very Poor Category

The air quality of Delhi and the NCR region, as a whole, is seeing difficult times. Bad times, even, if you like. The sunny warm days amid clean air are numbered. Where have the bright mornings, balmy afternoons gone? They are just not there anymore. And where the recent numbers are concerned, then it does seem, after all, that the more we in North India descend toward winters, the more shrinks the quality of air.

A general lack of visibility, during that part of the day, that’s closer to 6 P.M, 7 P.M. isn’t what’s being talked about.

One’s concerned about the depleting air quality and hence, visibility during the general day. Or should one say, for the better part of the day.

According to many a news platform- the lack of air quality in Delhi NCR- has gone down so much that in the space of the last few days that it’s become terrible.

In fact, so much so that The Hindu, reporting on an important piece of information (since it concerns the entirety of population in North) said the air quality is now in the ‘very’ poor category.

Not the best piece of news right? What has it all come down to, one wonders?

The following is what was reported in The Hindu:

The AQI (Air Quality Index) of Delhi was 365 at 8 a.m. on Friday and the values for Gurugram and Noida were 318 and 386 respectively. All three values are in the “red” category and it can cause “respiratory illness on prolonged exposure”, according to the CPCB.

An AQI between 0 and 50 is considered “good”, 51 and 100satisfactory”, 101 and 200moderate”, 201 and 300poor”, 301 and 400very poor”, and 401 and 500severe”.

The AQI of Delhi and Gurugram was in the “poor” category and Noida’s was in the lower end of “very poor”, as per CPCB’s 4 p.m. bulletin on Thursday, which is an average of the past 24 hours.

Image Source: The Hindu

That being said, one wonders what might happen now as November, full-blown winters are to follow, before December announces itself.

After all, the only positive during the lockdown- clear air, unpolluted and pure- is now sadly a thing of the past. Isn’t it? What hasn’t helped then is that, at the end of the day, is that a city like Delhi, with the NCR region, has one car too many, along with other forms of transportation. So definitely, it doesn’t help anyone at the end of the day, right?

Also Read: 5 Best Air Purifiers In India: The Affordable Yet Effective Cleansers

Wish one were to understand that things that are in one’s control should be controlled- no? But then, Delhi! Here malls, “who did what to whom/ who hosted the mega bash last night/ who wore what brand and bejewelled attire/what luxury sedan you step out of these days” are more relevant issues.

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Dev Tyagi

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Dev Tyagi

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