
Is 2021 Europe’s Hottest Summer On Record?

Hi girls and sizzler dish, you have competition now; you aren’t the only ones who are ‘hot.’ For Europe is doing some serious work in that department too!

Now that you’ve read that awful statement and have succeeded in hating the author, here’s an apology and request to read actual serious stuff about what’s currently happening in Europe:

Climate change deniers won’t get it. Nor will those who yearn for activism though understanding very little of it. There are certain truths that can’t be denied for they are felt, regardless of just how strongly one tries to deny them. In a philosophical context, “The Truth” itself being one. In another sense, things like the changing vagaries of nature.

For the longest time, we’ve been hearing things like climate change or weather change, and the very fact that the atmospherics or ecology have, considerably, been on the decline. Consider the wild fires in California or the Bushfires Down Under in Australia.

Then there are the storms and floods in Japan and the ravages of extreme climate in a paradise in that part of the world which the global tourist is no longer unfamiliar with: Uttarakhand!

After all, not every change is a promising one, is it?

That is where it shouldn’t, fundamentally speaking, spring a lot of surprise to note that 2021, as a matter of fact, is Europe’s hottest summer. Rather, it is fitting to say the ongoing year is Europe’s hottest summer yet.

Don’t be surprised. Keep perspiring for that is unavoidable. Keep drinking lots of water. And now that we are done with the cliches and the regular ‘everyday words of wisdom’ that you’d anyways have received through, god knows, at least, 20 WhatsApp forwards already?

But here’s the fact:

So hot and humid has been the weather in Europe, this year that many have dubbed it extreme weather. No jokes.

Something that cannot to be taken lightly.

The following is what The Hindu had to say with regards to Europe’s hottest summer:

The E.U. Copernicus Climate Change Service announced on September 7 that Europe witnessed its hottest summer on record this year. The record-breaking summer heat comes amid growing warnings from climate scientists that time is running out to prevent the worst effects of climate change.

What did the climate change monitor say?

Copernicus found the average temperature from June to August this year was close to 1 degree Celsius above the 1991-2020 average. The service said this summer was the warmest in its dataset, which goes back to 1950.

The temperatures were particularly severe in Mediterranean countries such as Italy, Greece, Turkey and Spain. The Italian region of Sicily experienced a temperature of 48.8 degrees Celsius (119.8 degrees Fahrenheit) in August, the highest temperature ever reported in Europe. The service said eastern Europe experienced warmer-than-average temperatures in August, with northern Europe witnessing generally below-average temperatures.

That being told, it helps to understand just why’s there an unprecedented seriousness attached to Europe’s hottest summer, with 2021 unfolding a series of events that would make things grimmer than one of America’s noted drama series: Grimm.

This year alone, there were wildfires that raged the likes of Spain, Italy, Greece and Turkey, and enraged, their denizens, but of course, in return.

One reckons if a concerted effort isn’t taken NOW, then perhaps time is running out much like Usain Bolt and we know it’ll be hard to catch in our wake to make one of the world’s most enigmatic continents eradicate its duress.

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Dev Tyagi

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Dev Tyagi

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