
Priyanka Chopra And Nick Jonas Engage In PDA, But Why Do You Have To Give A Darn About That?

According to latest reports, sarcasm killed more people than KRK Khan’s movie reviews (rather the lack of them), Rowan Atkinson’s martial arts skills and any current Egyptian Mummy ever did! Yet, people keep on exploring new ways to kill time knowing well that it won’t serve much purpose.

It’s almost as if, one says- I can’t kill another person for it may land me in jail, so lemme kill time.

Especially where it comes to dwelling on celebrities, and by this one doesn’t mean Insta influencers who are themselves influenced by unoriginality, there are always people who end up killing the vibe by trespassing personal space of celebrities.

Watch out for such horrendous fans.

There are actual zombies out there, more dangerous than those seen in movies like Go Goa Gone, and the trouble is, they look all too human.

At the moment, such mammals are being found being a bit too indiscrete about making a huge hue and cry about Priyanka Chopra and her recent bikini picture, where she’s engaging in PDA with her husband, Nick Jonas.

The question is, what’s the real deal about it? Her choice? She can wear whatever she wants. Thank god, it wasn’t a male sherwani with no bottoms.

Her life, she can make love to her hubby at the sand wearing the Pokemon costume and certainly, no one will give a flying saucer.

And that’s where we are mistaken. Aren’t we? Aren’t we a bit too concerned about celebs getting cosy with each other than news makes it into a sensational piece of information, tabloids cover detailed accounts of it as if two hot looking human bodies thirsting for one other was about as important as the next peace deal in the Middle East.

So what’s the big deal about it?

And the end of the day, it was just a normal human being – okay one who did romance Shah Rukh Khan during his peak MJ looks- romanticising her own legally wedded husband.

Were you perturbed by what she was wearing rather the lack of it? What was it, guys?

Why’s this harmless human occurrence so important to you that it became a vital entertainment segment news as on August 30?

It’s just a red bikini, okay a bit too Ferrari red, with a string and not a shoelace. And her husband was seen supposedly engaging in an act like opening it, for fans to lose their head and make it into some kind of sensational social media news.

It’s, once again, just a picture of a harmless celebrity couple, one of which is actually American and the other who speaks like one, okay sorry, is also an American, with the couple enjoying a mushy mushy time at the beach.

For guess what?

That’s what two people do to each other at the beach when they are still relatively newly married.

They don’t engage in sand wrestling displaying full length splits like Jean Claude Van Damme, the kind of stunt that would not seduce the great white shark.

And above all, it’s Priyanka “In your City’s” Chopra’s life. She and her famous husband can do all they want.

If they wish to make love at the Bermuda Triangle whilst telling the world to get lost, they can. Of course, it’s another thing whether they’d be found there at all, in that part of the world?

So the moral of the story is that don’t be immoral and dig on celebs when they’re having a private moment and finding it cool and sassy to put it on Instagram. They are celebs. Whatever they do and post, will anyways garner views. What’s the point of making a harmless bikini-clad picture into a news item?

Do you have nothing else to cover? Nothing better, really?

Lemme offer some queues.

For intellectually-stimulating news, you can cover any of the wide-ranging topics:

How many times does the Queen of England celebrate her birthday a year?

Why does Jimmy Shergill never get the girl in the movies?

Is the CIA spying on what Italian restaurant does your fiance visit?

Is Scooby Do ever going to star in a queer movie?

Is Keanu Reeves actually ageless?

Did Michael Jackson really father a child called Kinky magic trunks?

When will Saif Ali Khan have his next child?

Is it possible yet to let AI do your bed-job leaving everything else on machine learning? By that, one does’t mean delegating the task of putting one’s nose filth under the bed!

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Dev Tyagi

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Dev Tyagi

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