
Your Tom Hanks Gets Coronavirus Update: How’s “Hanx” Feeling Now?

Tom Hanks tests positive for Coronavirus! What? Say that again? Tom Hanks tests positive for Coronavirus? You’re kidding me, aren’t you?

A few days back, knowing the penchant of those who like to habitually spread misinformation, this may have read like some weird fake news. You only wish, it was. For it was soon revealed that the fact of the matter was the very news that shook everyone: Tom Hanks tests positive for Coronavirus.

There was evidently a spring of disbelief among people, who surely would not have expected such a terrible thing to happen to let’s face it, the one man who’s as widely loved as he is respected.

After all, there aren’t many actors around like Tom Hanks, who truly epitomizes the essence of what it means to be a thorough gentleman.

In that regard, it wasn’t too difficult to understand why fans were under heat and his well-wishers, which don’t only include the huge swarms of fans, but even his contemporaries- found themselves baffled.

So now the question is, how is Tom Hanks feeling right now? Well, here’s what you need to know.

Thank god and thank heavens, Tom Hanks is feeling better having tested positive for the godforsaken virus just a few days back. It wasn’t that hard to know where he’d contracted the epidemic, which we are clearly seeing, is turning out to be fatal.

It was known that Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson, to whom he’s been married for nearly 3 decades, had gone to Australia where the couple was afflicted by the viral bug.

Now, there’s no reason to panic or so it seems as Tom Hanks- ever-present on Twitter and Instagram-shared that he is feeling better.

Robyn Beck—AFP/Getty Images

In that very regard, the famous Time Magazine shared the following piece of information and stated:

“Hey, folks. Two weeks after our first symptoms and we feel better,” Hanks wrote in a statement shared on social media.

But that is not all. There’s more for the true fan of the famous Castaway and Forest Gump actor to note and with a smile.

Being the darn good person that he is, one who’s often seen imparting unconditional love and the very character trait that truly sets him apart from the rest- warmth- Tom Hanks also had a message for his fans and supporters.

Wondering what that might be?

Hanks also encouraged anyone following his updates or reading his tweet to follow “common sense” and heed shelter in place orders to help halt the spread of this virus. “Sheltering in place works like this: You don’t give it to anyone — You don’t get it from anyone. Common sense, no?”

And that truly is the way to beat this evil menace that has put much of the world in a state of lockdown. This is actually the time to sit back and take a pause; reflect on things, on your life, make most of the idle time, bond with one’s near and dear ones and connect over so many things that one may usually not be having enough time for.

Isn’t it?

And that is why we suggest- just like Tom Hanks had said famously during the magnificent “In A League Of Their Own” : “there’s no crying in baseball,” there’s actually less sense in cribbing about things. Yes, the world has indeed come to a state of standstill.

But what sense does it make to simply do nothing about it or crib? After all, there’s no crying in real life, too, right?

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Dev Tyagi

Published by
Dev Tyagi

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