
Taylor Swift at Grammy 2016, Her Speech Is Now A Girl-Power Advertisement

Apart from being a wonderful singing sensation Taylor Swift has been a role model for many young girls; she has time and again broken the laws and emerged as one of the most successful pop artists in the recent times. She has been vocal about her love interests and her heartbreaks too, which had helped her in connecting with her fans in the most authentic way possible.

Taylor Swift at Grammy Awards 2016

Taylor Swift’s last album, 1989, gathered massive appreciation from the listeners as well as the awards shows. She was seen receiving almost every award in every award show.  However, Taylor Swift at Grammy Awards 2016 was present for the Album of the year; where she gave a speech that was something that stood out and went viral. In her speech, she gave a message to young girls that there would be people who would try to take credit for their success; which was indirectly pointing to Kanye West and his then recent single “Famous”. Single called ‘Famous’ by Kanye, stated that he was the reason behind Taylor’s success because of their 2009 VMA incident.

Taylor Swift’s empowering speech has now been used as the commercial for Grammy 2017 where young girls are seen reciting Taylor’s speech while engaging in their musical interests. The commercial has been named “It Was You”.

Watch the Commercial Here:

(Video Courtesy: Recording Academy / GRAMMYs)

Taylor has given her fans numerous hits that her fans love; and after her speech at Grammy awards she has attained utmost respect among her fans. The advertisement would instantly give you Goosebumps and is definitely an empowering piece for young girls all around the world.

Suggested read: Game of thrones & Taylor Swift mashup

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Jyotsna Amla

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Jyotsna Amla

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