Categories: Bollywood

Celebrities Are Speaking About The Recent Molestation Cases, And It Makes A Lot Of Sense.

Akshay Kumar’s thoughts on the Bengaluru Mass Molestation incident that happened on New Year’s Eve went viral and it had all good reasons to go so. He spoke about an issue which is not so popular among the celebrities, while many have condemned it by tweeting about it, his video gathered everyone’s attention.

It wasn’t just the mass molestation that got everyone’s attention, another case where a woman was groped by two men who assaulted, molested and robbed her, while there were people watching the incident, came as a shock to humanity. There were bystanders who chose to stand and watch it without saying anything, is that what we want and expect from the #NotAllMen brigade?

However, public figures and celebrities have a special place in our society, people are influenced by them. They are influenced by what these public figures say and do, which is why it’s amazing that they are choosing to speak about the issue to their fans and to the parochial minds of our society.

Anushka Sharma, Virat Kohli, Malaika Arora Khan and Yogeshwar Dutt spoke about the recent happenings in the city. Their words would make you question the authenticity of the small minds who chose to go on a different path from women’s safety on the streets of our country.

Anushka Sharma

Virat Kohli

Malaika Arora Khan

Yogeshwar Dutt

All of these people spoke about the disgust that they felt in recent days with the news of molestation and assaults surfacing their televisions and social media. We all feel the same and we all want to say the same truth, however, it’s their influence and platform which might bring the change in the functionality of our society. Or, at least we hope so.

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6 Jan 2017
Jyotsna Amla

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Jyotsna Amla

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Jyotsna Amla

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