
Most Misunderstood Zodiac Signs In Relationships & Love

Any successful and happy relationship and love story are always said to stay strong on the pillars of trust, honesty, respect and understanding. Partners and people in general who have been able to successfully achieve and continue to side with these pillars are known for being in a loving relationship. And then, few have always been a casualty of misunderstanding. These are known as some of the most misunderstood zodiac signs, a.k.a. the people who might not have done anything wrong but fallen prey to certain misunderstanding due to lack of communication. 

These 7 zodiac signs, to be precise, have been defined as some of the most misunderstood zodiac signs and people. There are tons of different reasons behind and it might not even be correct for all, but there are certain personality traits that come with our zodiac signs and some of those traits ultimately contributes to the mountain of misunderstandings these signs mount on themselves. 

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7 Most Misunderstood Zodiac Signs

Keep on reading to check if you’re one of those misunderstood zodiac signs: 


With their bold and sharp personality, and extrovert nature they often are very open and direct with their partners and in their relationships. However, love doesn’t always require you to be direct and blunt about your thoughts, it requires understanding and even some white lies to keep the circle of love going.

But Aries are more prone to miss these signals which often leads to misunderstanding and fights as a result of it. And, to solve it all, just sit down with your partner and try to solve the situation rather than proving your point, this can certainly go a long-long way.

2. Virgo

Virgos are described as some of the most grounded zodiac signs that don’t like to overcomplicate life, situations and relationships. Along with all that, they’re also very upfront about their feelings and are too emotional about their people, however, they don’t want to show it to the world. This often makes them appear too self-centred in a relationship, and their partner might think they’re lacking true feelings, which is a very common misunderstanding among Virgos and their partners.

3. Leos

Another bold and strong personality, Leos are considered to be the centre of attraction of every party, however, they’re also very well-known for their commitment issues. They have a knack for running away from relationships as soon as they start appearing too intense for them, which leads to a lot of misunderstandings and problems.

Hence, the best way to keep up with this misunderstood zodiac sign is by taking the old-fashioned route and going slow. You can also try some other mediums, like letters, to give them the time to process their thoughts and feelings rightfully.

Also Read: Here’s What Different Zodiac Signs Do When Their Crush Doesn’t Like Them Back

4. Gemini

Often called the two-faced zodiac signs, Geminis are very caring and loving in their relationships and to people that they love immensely. However, they’re also very shy of making a commitment to protect their heart and themselves. So, another tip is to take away any soon-to-come misunderstanding is by being honest with your partner. Geminis need assurance, and a daily dose of that is the best way of going. 

5. Libra

Another one of the misunderstood zodiac signs that fall short of making commitments and being honest about their feelings to their partners. Libras are known to be a flirtatious sign, however, more often than not it is all fun and games for them until they find that true love and then there is no going back. So, the best way to deal with a Libra is to be truthful about your feelings and getting their honest opinion on a relationship.

6. Sagittarius

Sagittarians are a creature of comfort and familiarity which is also why they’re more prone to get in a relationship with a long-time friend whom they know perfectly well.

They also expect a lot from their relationships which is why their partner needs to be in it completely for the entire thing to work out well. But then again, they love their personal space and freedom too much give up on anything temporary.

Also Read: 5 Zodiac Signs That Love Being Single And Rule It Like No Other

7. Aquarius

Aquarians are known to be some of the most easy-going and fun people, along with being completely self-sufficient and independent in their decisions which makes them commitment-shy too. While they always follow their intuitions, even in cases of love and commitment, it can still go into the dump if they feel their personal space is in danger. Hence, give them that space and you all will be happy.

So, these were some of the most misunderstood zodiac signs and almost all of them have one thing in common – commitment issues. They value their personal space and freedom more than anything, and would always align more towards a partner that feels the same. 

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Jyotsna Amla

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Jyotsna Amla

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