“I love you to the moon and back again.” An eccentric billionaire Yusaku Maezawa wants to take the romantic saying literally. He wants a new girlfriend for a flight to the Moon.
Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa is looking for a woman for his trip to the moon. With the help of an online search platform, he wants to find a life partner, take her to the moon and give a message of love and world peace from outer space.
Maezawa plans to circle the moon in 2023 aboard a spacecraft from the American Space travel company SpaceX.
The 44-year-old eccentric fashion entrepreneur is starting his life anew. He started his online partner search as he feels loneliness and emptiness in his life and to overcome that he is thinking about falling in love with a woman again. Maezawa recently broke up with his girlfriend, according to the media.
Maezawa is said to circle the moon for about a week with the Big Falcon Rocket spaceship. That was what SpaceX boss Elon Musk said when he announced the trip in September 2018.
Women who want to go to the moon with Maezawa must be single and at least 20 years old, have a bright personality, be interested in an all-round trip and be able to prepare for it.
Women can apply via an online form, in which they are also asked about their size, profession, hobbies, and “special skills”. Interested parties must also upload a photo of themselves.
The application deadline is January 17th and Maezawa wants to make a decision by the end of March about the partner, as per media reports gathered while the launch of the partner search.
The Japanese streaming service AbemaTV is planning it as its own documentary called Full Moon Lovers.
Like Musk, Maezawa is not only a dreamer but also a businessman. He started shipping CDs in 1998. The Japanese later made his money mainly by selling clothing online via the Zozotown website, which was founded in 2004.
When announcing his trip to the moon in 2018, the Japanese art lover had said he would take six to eight artists from around the world who didn’t have to pay anything. The trip should inspire their art.
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