
How Many Ukrainians Can Seek Refuge In Switzerland Given The Current Chaos?

Molotov cocktails flying in the air, popular celebs volunteering to join the army, soldiers marshaling on with the fear of the unknown, students scampering for cover cramped in transit trains with houses and streets set ablaze by violence, these are chaotic and unlivable times for Ukrainians in their country. You don’t wage war with a country as muscular and lethal as Russia but then what is one to do when hegemony takes control and your opponent plays the aggressor?

The extent of the damage Russia has already caused Ukraine could perhaps only be measured if there was ever a device that could factor in the number of tears shed by those suffering a collective damage of being rendered homeless and with an uncertain future.

And while talks have perhaps began with the idea of bringing about a ceasefire, much needed at this point in time, what does the common man in the streets that bear no name but violence do back in Ukraine?

Among the most noted international developments at this point brings Switzerland into focus. So how’s that and where does Switzerland stand in the ensuing chaos between two warring nations?

Well, akin to its standard image of offering a peaceful asylum to the troubled and those fleeing their homeland under duress, one of the world’s most widely respected and much sought after countries has offered to shelter Ukrainians whose lives are hampered by war.

So what does Switzerland actually plan to do and how will the Ukrainians go about finding a new home, if one were to put it like that?

As per the current government estimates, no fewer than 2,000 Ukrainians can shift base to Switzerland given the chaotic and warring situations back at home.

The exactness of the number, however, can wary and totally rests on the intensity of the war. Furthermore, no migration of Ukrainians at this point in time has happened to Switzerland.

What’s important here is to understand how might things shape in the imminent future, which is why it’s important to take cognisance of the information furnished on Swiss Info (ch) in the current mix of things:

In the short and medium term, migrants from Ukraine are likely to go mainly to the EU states of Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania, with which Ukraine shares borders, the State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) said on Saturday.

It said the states most likely to be affected are those in which many Ukrainians already live. The Ukrainian diaspora in Switzerland is relatively small compared with that in other European countries, with around 7,000 people, according to the SEM.

That being told, make no mistake. For life for the common Ukrainians back in their war torn region had already turned so despicable that according to confirmed sources, no fewer than 1,20,000 had already fled the country to find safer shores elsewhere.

And just when you thought that that was that, there’s more troubling data emerging according to the EU media. Should the situation back home in Ukraine continue to plunge to further lows, it’s feared that up to 4 million Ukrainians could leave their country. Wonder how many can Switzerland intake in these tough times.

(watch this space for more as RapidLeaks will continue to bring you fresh updates)

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Dev Tyagi

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Dev Tyagi

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