Middle east & africa

South Africa Has An Interesting Way To Track Coronavirus

Trouble- trouble everywhere, not a sigh of relief. Not a drop of hope, and knowing the gravity of the situation, not a sign of disbelief. It’s all happening out there and in front of us. Coronavirus is now perhaps one of the most commonly used terms in life. A bit like Michael Jackson, life, and death, a bit like sun, moon, sorry, thank you!

But no sorry and definitely no thank you’ either!

Surely, needless to say, viruses do not discriminate between individuals, do not recognize professions, and make no biases between age groups, cultural heritage, and that sort of thing. But the damage they cause, leave a gaping void of sorts to be filled.

The extent to which Coronavirus has affected lives all around surely goes to say something pretty evidently clear; one may not have thought about the travesty of such magnitude that 2020 was slated to bring. Just who would’ve predicted such a thing.

The only effort now from the governments (and their administrations’) point of view is to fasten the seatbelts and take the fight head-on. Being cautious and staying vigilant, therefore, are primary steps to beating this wild epidemic.

And it’s one in epic proportions. Thus far, in all, around 21,000 instances have seen people losing the battle to Coronavirus. So what most are busy doing is to be proactive in their bid to offset the chance of contracting the virus.

So how can you do that? Well, the way countries like Israel and South Africa are countering Coronavirus says a lot about the methodical and cautious ways in which the countries are taking the fight to beat the evil incarnate.

How else would you define the major killer?

Yet, the question deserves your time and deserves your attention. How is South Africa countering Coronavirus? Well, here’s what you got to know:

In a close-knit effort between telecom companies in South Africa and the government bodies, there is a clear-cut plan being taken to avert this peril nightmare of a problem.

So how does that work in detail?

Recently, Business Insider (South African edition) elucidated this steady course of action currently being undertaken in a measured report, that said:

South African cellphone companies have agreed to give the government location data to help in the fight against the coronavirus behind Covid-19, communications minister Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams said.

The information will, it seems, be used to determine at least how many people an infected individual had been in contact with.


Now, a lot about how the world chooses to deal with critical problems is about data collection- getting everything under the sun related to a problem, a central means to identify the issue beforehand, before one can go about fixing it.

Once the problem diagnosis is done, the next step is to take precautionary aversion.

So in the words of South Africa’s Communications minister, this is a very valid exercise, say something that’s making massive news:

” It is important to look at the individuals that are affected [by the virus] in order to be able to help the department of health to say that we know, in a particular area we have so many people that have been infected.”

It turns out that the concerned industry has, as a whole, agreed to provide results gathered from data analytics. This will be a beneficial step as it will allow the governments to know just who’s the infected lot, before corrective, medically treatable measures are applied.

That being said, a lot about how South Africa (is) countering Coronavirus bears a similarity with Israel, the Jewish homeland.

In fact, Israel had gone a step further in its defiance against the deadly epidemic. The Benjamin Netanyahu-led nation had instructed its intelligence agencies to actually tap into the phone of its Coronavirus-hit patients. This was actually done to ensure that the affected lot would obey the quarantine policies.

Using this method, the safety of others would be given paramount importance, as it should.

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Dev Tyagi

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Dev Tyagi

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