
The 10 Largest Countries In The World

In today’s economic structure, a country is not defined by the area it possess, however it still stands true that more area a country has, the more resources it possess that contributes to more income per capita. It helps in the growth of the economy.

Here is the list of the 10 largest countries in the world

1. Russian Federation

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With 17,098,240 square kilometers, Russia is the largest country in the world. However, large parts of eastern Russia are almost uninhabited tundra and taiga. Most of the population lives in the European part of the Russian Federation.

2. Canada


Canada is the second largest country in the world covering an area of 9,984,670 square kilometers. The population is concentrated in metropolitan areas in the south of the country, the north is almost unpopulated mostly because of the low temperatures. Here primarily the so-called ‘First Nations’, Indian tribes and Eskimos settle.

3. United States of America

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The area of the USA is 9,629,090 square kilometers. The US ranges from tropical and subtropical climates in Florida , southern California and Hawaii to polar states in Alaska. The population is over 300 million and is almost evenly distributed.

4. China

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China with over 60 population groups is a multinational state that has an area of 9,598,060 square kilometers. From the subtropical climate in the south to the cold in the northeast, from the desert climate in the northwest to the hostile high mountains in Tibet, China has extremely different climate zones. China is also the country with the largest population of around 1.4 billion people.

5. Brazil

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The fifth largest country in the world is Brazil with an area of 8,514,880 square kilometers and a population of about 140 million. Brazil has metropolises like Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo as well as the tropical rainforest and the second longest river in the world, the Amazon.

6. Australia


The smallest continent is also the sixth largest country on earth. The area of Australia is 7,741,220 square kilometers, it has about 24 million inhabitants. These settle almost exclusively on the coasts, because the interior of Australia consists almost entirely of dry steppe and inhospitable desert. But there are also the famous Ayers Rock and the Aboriginal People, whose tribes still live today partially as in the Stone Age.

7. India

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The largest democracy in the world has a population of over 1.3 Billion, spread over an area of 3,287,260 square kilometers. India has the second largest population in the world after China and is the seventh largest state by area on the list of the 10 largest countries in the world. India is still a monsoon-dependent agriculture state, but at the same time also a nuclear power and a space nation.

8. Argentina

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Argentina has an area of 2,780,400 square kilometers. In the north, Argentina borders Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. The country is the largest beef exporter in the world, but also an emerging wine country in the Mendoza region.

9. Kazakhstan


The former Soviet republic, with its 2,724,900 square kilometers, is the ninth-largest state in the world. It lies between Russia in the north, China in the east and various ‘-stans’ in the south, such as Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Kazakhstan is a multi-ethnic state where Kazakhs, Uighurs, Turkmens and many other people live together. Due to its wealth of resources and the relative proximity to unstable regions like Afghanistan, it is also strategically important.

10. Algeria


The tenth largest country in the world is in the neighborhood of Europe on the other side of the Mediterranean in North Africa. Algeria is 2,381,740 square kilometers in size. The majority of the population settles on the coast, the interior is desert.

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Akash Saini

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Akash Saini

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