
Germany Doing Its Bit For Afghanistan Or Very Little Bit?

Back in 2016, Germany ‘celebrated’ what was then the completion of 100 years of friendship with Afghanistan. A century of ties and friendship between two countries is indeed, worthy of appreciation and quite a feat. Though, it is now where Afghanistan is facing inarguably the most fearsome time in its modern history that the true measure of its ties with Germany will be tested.

Moreover, where developments in the last few hours stand in war-torn Afghanistan bleeding for help and aid, a sort of confusion and befuddlement mark the efforts of Germany where extending help to the aggrieved nation stands.

So how is that?

Firstly, a German flight landed specifically with the motive of rescuing as many civilians, who could well have become casualties if things would have spiralled out of control, which they still can, was able to airlift only 7 individuals.

Source: news.CGTN

That’s a pitiable number. In what was Germany’s first military flight landing in Kabul, this was an underwhelming rescue operation, for the lack of a better word. But then again, at the same time, breaking news development suggests that the Angela Merkel nation is all set to provide no fewer than $11.7 million toward what’s being called Afghanistan People Support Programme.

Where confusion ensues is until a few hours before, prior to the announcement of this very news, what made news over the internet was the very fact that Germany had, at once, decided to cut down all extension of financial support the wounded Central Asian nation was promised.

So what exactly is going on at the moment, one is compelled to ask?

Where Foreign Minister Mr. Heiko Maas is concerned, then German aid toward helping an embattled Afghanistan weighs no less than 11.7 million USD. At a time where there’s no prominent globally-accepted leadership in Afghanistan, this modicum of help measures priceless, being no fewer than approximately 10 million Euros.

But at the heart of providing this much-needed support is to ensure that the funds reach where they are supposed to and not the vicious cobra that is hissing all over Afghanistan- Taliban!

A news report on the said development focused on what Business Standard had to offer on a piece of news that is heartbreaking and dramatic in equal measure:

We are looking into the period after the evacuation, I spoke about this with representatives of German human rights organizations… These days, many representatives of NGOs, science and culture addressed us. In recent years, they have maintained a close partnership with civil society (in Afghanistan) which they would like to continue to support. To ensure this, we are creating a support fund for those who campaigned for human rights, freedom of science and culture, we want to expand specific protection programs for Afghanistan… and we are allocating immediately 10 million euros for this,” he added.

The German chancellor, Merkel, meanwhile, described the events ensuing in Afghanistan as being nothing short of bitter, dramatic and terrible. Of course, what else is one to say at a time where there seems to be no immediate respite from the biggest clamour-creating monster of them all- Taliban.

What is going to be the imminent fate of millions of Afghans who have worked for the freedom and development of the everyday society- there are no immediate answers at this point. May better days prevail for the nation enveloped in chaos.

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Dev Tyagi

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Dev Tyagi

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