
What’s London Tubes’ Extension Project About? Why It Matters A Lot To The English Capital?

January 10, 1863. Remember the date. Remember the name the date is so remembered for.

First up though- a question to one and all. Does one know what is significant about this date?

Well, it’s the date where the famous London Tube began operations for the very first time. Imagine the importance of the famous London tube to a city that it has served for not less than 158 years, to be precise?

Just what could be that perfect adjective that could define a way of life in one of those (widely-regarded) cities of the world without which one cannot imagine Her Majesty’s Kingdom?

A city that’s dreamy eyed and fashionable, charmingly elite and home to the simpleton. The Churchillian personalities as also the self-deprecatory ones.

Why cities need infrastructure upgrade and cannot function without it eventually?

Cities are the brand ambassadors of the countries. Any milestone establishment that comes to life in cities that are home to tens of thousands of people, especially from the infrastructure point of view, goes a long way to carve the country’s identity eventually.

For instance, New York and Boston and the colossal architecture one finds there! Think of the cable-stayed bridges of China. Imagine Netherlands’ widely-defined network of public transport. And could this league of exquisiteness that can make do for any other blemish the cities have ever seem complete without the London tubes?


So here’s how the extension of the London Tubes, as reported recently, is bound to change the fate of the city in the times to come:

In South London, Nine Elms and Battersea Power Station stops will open up new job prospects. This is, particularly speaking, going to help those developers who, until now, were struggling to sell homes and apartments.

Improvements in accessing the city of London, in particular, its financial district and the West end will help Private Equity and Hedge Funds.

Meanwhile, a report from happened to highlight the following:

The extension of the Northern Line is a key to the regeneration of Battersea Power Station, which once supplied a fifth of London’s electricity but sat derelict for decades. Work on the former coal-fired power plant, known for being on the cover of Pink Floyd’s “Animals” album, faced construction delays in recent years that led some buyers to pull out of deals to purchase homes. In May, the first residents moved into the power station, which is at the center of a 9 billion-pound project and is set to open to the public next year.

That being said, here is what Mr. Simon Murphy, who, in his current capacity serves as the Chief Executive Officer of Battersea Power Station Development Co. (the once-active coal powered power station in the city) happened to say in a public statement:

“Improving transport links and connectivity to this area of London has been fundamental to the development from the very beginning.”

But does all of this actually lead to new job creation?

The project of Tube expansion, it ought to be said, is actually a massive prospect from the standpoint of new job creation. An exciting space that one needs to watch out for in the coming days, especially since one of the world’s most deeply admired cities has been battling tough days especially at the back of Brexit.

This mega London Tube extension prospect actually promises to change the face of the fine cosmopolitan city and for the better! For starters, it brings the number of stations to 272. This, in the words of Bloomberg, could help generate as many as 25,000 jobs and at the same time, no fewer than 20,000 homes.

Suggested Read – What Is Operation London Bridge All About?

This knowledge came to light only since a statement was issued as of the last week from transport of London.

Meanwhile, here’s what added on the positive development that cannot be undermined or turned a blind eye to:

The journey from Nine Elms or Battersea to the West End or the City will in some cases take less than 15 minutes, it said. The stations will begin service amid broader development activity along the riverside strip that some have dubbed “Dubai-on-Thames.” 

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Dev Tyagi

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Dev Tyagi

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