
How Many Lives Has Germany Lost To The Coronavirus So Far?

If you are wondering as to how many deaths have happened already this year due to COVID 19 in Germany, then let’s meet what might only be a rather troubling number!

While 2020 was no easy day for any nation anywhere on the planet in lines with the COVID 19 pandemic, one wonders what’s happening in Germany at this time. So let’s straight away dive into the big question:

How many lives have already been lost in 2021 due to COVID 19 in Germany?

Where national statistics stand at this point in time, then as of January 23, 2021- the figure crossed the 50,000 mark. The said figure was confirmed by the Robert Koch Institute, a revered German federal government agency and research institute responsible for investigating disease control.

As of the third week in December, 2020, the number of deaths owing to COVID 19 in Germany had already reached the 10,000 number!

Image Source: Andalou Agency

Now let’s get one thing correct. There was a time last year- prior to the second coming of the deadly pandemic- where it did seem that the outbreak of COVID 19 in Germany was being effectively controlled.

Much of the restraint demonstrated was owing to a proactive healthcare system that worked night and day toward absorb the mortal threat imposed by a virus that’s uniquely disfigured the face of the planet.

But as 2020 inched closer to the last quarter, particularly in Western Europe, there were growing fears with the pandemic taking bigger hold of nations as advanced and prepared as Germany and France where it comes to medicine and science.

Part of the inability to contain the latest spring of new cases has led the German government to administer stricter measures and tighter restrictions where it comes to public movement and general mobility across all sixteen states. And where 2021 is concerned, then, at least, at this point in time, it doesn’t seem as if the situation pertaining to COVID 19 in Germany has been controlled well.

Some might call the situation as really adverse while many others might even term in dire.

So how is that?

Owing to the fact that COVID 19 in Germany is still very much a huge talking point, the Federal government has only recently given a green signal to €156 billion worth package.

That’s no tiny figure- isn’t it?

In fact, Chancellor Angela Merkel is, at this point, self-quarantining having come in contact with an individual who was diagnosed COVID positive recently.

And very recently, COVID 19 in Germany led to the number of deaths increased to 859 in a day.

Moreover, one must also not undermine the fact that the official death toll, at present, stands at 50, 642.

The above data was confirmed by the Xinhua news agency.

In lines with the ongoing situation, the worldwide media has been taking note of the developments every now and again and India’s Lokmat happened to share the following:

According to U.S.-based Johns Hopkins University, the total of confirmed cases in the country of COVID-19 also rose to 26,220.

Lothar Wieler, head of the country’s Robert Koch Institute, said some 2,809 people have recovered from the virus but it is still early for optimism.

Separately, the police have started enforcing a ban on gatherings of more than two people by sending them home, and filing charges if they fail to comply.

Moving on, it’s worthwhile to note the inputs shared by the health minister Mr. Jens Spahn, who pointed to concerns about the rates of infection stil being too ‘high.’

Also Read: Will India Be Sending The COVID-19 Vaccines To South Africa Soon?

So what happens now? When does normalcy prevail in Deutschland? Stay tuned for more updates on Germany and its constant fight with the COVID 19 virus.

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Dev Tyagi

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Dev Tyagi

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