
Noted Indians get important positions in UK Cabinet post reshuffle

Any indication that Indians indeed held key positions in the UK cabinet and therefore, in important governmental positions in the UK, were served a further fitting example as 3 Indian-origin MPs attained key charge post a major reshuffle in the English parliament.

Mr. Rishi Sunak, the son-in-law of Infosys co-founder Mr. Ramarao Narayan Murthy was appointed the Chancellor of the Exchequer (Finance Minister) of the United Kingdom, a highly dignified position.

That said, Mr. Alok Sharma was appointed the Business Secretary in the British Cabinet earlier today.

But importantly, in his current new role, Mr. Sunak replaced former chancellor Sajid Javid from Pakistan.


The latest development, thus marked not one or two but three MPs of Indian-origin in Prime Minister Mr. Boris Johnson’s British Cabinet.

It could be said that it isn’t only a Canada where individuals of Indian-origin hold key eminent positions in the government as with the recent appointments, even the English government has raised the graph of Indians by extending them the privilege of holding precious positions up top in the Cabinet.

LiveMint, in its reportage of perhaps the most trending story at present from Her Majesty’s Kingdom happened to elaborate some other key highlights pertaining to the development.

It would share – According to media reports, the decision comes just a few weeks before the Javid who was only eight months old in his job was set to unveil the UK budget on March 11, setting out the government’s tax and spending plans.

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Sunak, the 39-year-old Treasury chief Secretary is a close ally of Johnson.

That being said, it’s important to recount that previously, Mr. Alok Sharma served England in the capacity of secretary of the state for international development. He is, at present, entrusted with the role of Secretary of State for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy.

But that’s not all. Mr. Alok Sharma, who is 52, will also additionally serve as the President of the COP26- the noted eminent Climate Summit of the United Nations. It’s worthwhile to note that previously, he served England in the role of its prime minister‘s infrastructure envoy to India for the year 2016.

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Dev Tyagi

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Dev Tyagi

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