
Learn About India’s Top Snow Holiday Destination

The time comes to a standstill when you are immersed in its awe-inspiring, absorbing beauty. It happens to be one of the most beautiful countries here on the globe. Visitors, love seekers, playwrights, actors, writers, philanthropists, and the vagabonds flock to this nation to bathe under the serene comfort of its snow-capped mountains and crystal clear glaciers. It’s arguably the most beautiful of all landlocked countries in all of Europe. And now, it appears that it is also India’s top snow holiday destination.

We indeed are talking about mighty Switzerland. Of course, no other country, you’d reckon, would rise to the numero uno rank of India’s top snow holiday destination(s).

Isn’t it?

A recent media report suggested that more than traveling to any place else in the entirety of the APAC (Asia-Pacific) region, visitors in India consider Switzerland as their best choice when it comes to considering a snow holiday.

Gstaad palace

But such a precise finding, you would think, cannot come from just about any news portal. So which was the agency behind finding the fact that Switzerland happens to be India’s top snow holiday destination?

Apparently, Club Med, a premier all-inclusive operator (reputed travel agency), also a global snow holiday leader submitted the absorbing piece of information. Its exclusive finding was a part of the Snow Brand Study for 2019.

That told, here’s what Business Insider had to say about the interesting development:

Indian travelers are getting more diverse, adventurous, experimental and are increasingly looking at snow holidays in addition to summer vacations. Switzerland is an aspirational and preferred destination for Indian tourists owing to a plethora of options available across seasons and for varied age groups. Winter sports have witnessed a rise in demand among younger segments with travelers including snow activities in their itineraries. Club Med has unveiled interesting travel patterns of Indians who usually prefer vacationing with family and are highly influenced by friends’ and family’s recommendations when deciding on a snow holiday destination.

It ought to be said that while a lot of travelers visit Switzerland to simply plunge into the eye-pleasing natural beauty, while a lot many nowadays take to video-blogging about myriad aspects of the Alpine nation, talking about a plethora of aspects such as winter sports, culinary culture, the majestic set-up of railways, there are also a host of other aspects about Switzerland that attract the attention of those bitten by a sense of Wanderlust!


Snowboarding and skiing in India are fairly popular winter sports; Saint-Moritz Roi Soleil in Switzerland, Cervinia in Italy and Les Deux Alpes in France are few destinations that attract skiers of all cadre or learn a lesson or two at the world-class Club Med resorts here. The survey revealed that snow holiday goers from India are serious about snow sports, with India holding the highest percentage i.e. 75% of snow holiday vacationers in APAC that enjoy skiing and snowboarding.

That said, it is also worthwhile to mention that it is not only visitors from India who are attracted to the famous Alpine destination when it comes to a winter holiday. Several other nations flock to the famous land of Milk Chocolate and Jersey cows apart from those belonging to the world’s largest democracy.

To that end, it’s worthwhile to note the following:

Over 90% of travelers from India (96%), Indonesia (97%), Thailand (93%) and China (90%) are looking to plan a European snow holiday in the next three years. Switzerland has emerged as the top destination of choice for Indians with 59% of Indian snow holiday goers indicating Switzerland as their next preferred snow holiday country. 

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Dev Tyagi

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Dev Tyagi

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