
Decrypt The Currency: Finland Has An Interesting Way In Which It Is Helping Ukraine!

The common saying or rather make it truth of life is that you only get to know who your true friends are when you are amid some turmoil and need someone to bail you out. Otherwise, how else would you ever come to know the truth worth or face of those who call themselves friends. Right? Profoundly wise, isn’t it?

And by that above logic, one reckons that Ukraine has already figured out who its true friends are. There’s Germany, France, Italy, and Switzerland and so on and so forth.

But could it be that there’s someone else too who is willing to help out a country, which finds itself in the most trying times but with a rather uncanny way of extending support?

The answer to the above is Finland. A country that truly does things its own way.

In finding one of the most interesting ways that could ever be used to help out Ukraine, Finland, believe it or not, has decided to donate confiscated cryptocurrency toward the cause of the eastern European nation.

That being told, the key question that arises is- just how many countries would have thought of extending help or support in such an uncanny manner? While one of the most polarising questions in the context of the contemporary world is whether Cryptocurrency is a long term idea or just passing light, there are already several countries that have decided to go the Crypto way and in a big way, truth be told.

Think, for instance, the likes of Switzerland, Singapore, Malta and that’s not all; even the likes of Germany and Portugal have decided to bet big on Crypto.

The following information, used from Business Today, came to light with regards to the rather fascinating mechanism that Finland deployed in its bid to reach out to the embattled Ukraine:

“As per Finnish media reports, the country would be donating over €70 million worth of confiscated Bitcoin to the eastern European country.

Moreover, the government has partnered with Coinmotion and Tesseract, two Finnish digital asset service providers, to act as brokers to put their plan in motion.

Coinmotion and Tesseract would sell off the cryptocurrency which was confiscated by the Finlan’s customs. The same amount in fiat would then be donated to the battle-scarred country.

The authorities plan to donate approximately 1,890 Bitcoins via this process.

Annika Saariko, Finland’s Finance Minister, who also happens to be the Deputy Prime Minister of the country, verified this news on Facebook. It is interesting to note that this donation will take some significant time to materialise. As per the information provided by Saarikko, the proposal would be put forth in the European country’s parliament in the upcoming fiscal year’s budget.”

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Dev Tyagi

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Dev Tyagi

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