
Plagued With An Old Labour Force, Germany Looking Towards US To Fill Its Void!

For a country that quite simply dominates the attention of much of the world for its engineering talent and prowess, the way it designs and conceives automobiles and even the way it approaches beer production and the marvel called the Autobahn, it can be said that these aren’t very bright times for Germany.

And truth be told, the sluggish economic growth with rampant fears that the Germany may just be slipper further towards economic recession aren’t the only worrying points.

Nor is the fact that there’s a sudden blip in the technical or functional performance of the country’s famous Automobile, Software manufacturing, or the Healthcare sector.

Factually speaking, Germany is staring at a woe which it could be said was, quite simply, a matter of time. The country is struggling with a labour crunch that has now spread into multiple industries.

Frankly, the working or labour force of the country is ageing and desperate measures are being currently sought in order to acquire more and more skilled manpower from the US West coast. This move is in a bid to fill the gaping void that continues to stir much of the industrialised part of Germany.

Having said that, how deep is the crisis situation at the moment back home in the Olaf Scholz-led nation?

In the words of a gentleman by the name of Rainer Zugehoer, who’s associated with the software subsidiary that works for Volkswagen, “We have several hundred open positions in the US, in Europe and in China.”

He said the above in relations with the current condition in America in an urgent bid to recruit the talent that is needed by the country to answer its labour crunch situation.

The country is quite simply bogged down by what appears to be a severe shortage of labour force that can fill key positions across various industries.

So what happens next and how seriously is Germany planning to head towards the US?

That being said, here are some key insights that came to the fore in a report published on the developing story on

The US West Coast has always been the main destination for ambitious software engineers looking to work in the most elite corner of their profession, but the mass layoffs have created an abundance of jobseekers that Germany is eager to cash in on.

Hit by rising inflation and the prospect of recession, Google parent Alphabet, Microsoft and Facebook owner Meta have announced combined job cuts of nearly 40,000 staff.

Germany too is on the brink of recession, but its companies have grown more slowly in recent years and, in a country notorious for still handling business by fax, there are huge technology leaps waiting to be made.

Germany, with one of the world’s oldest populations, has huge holes in its labour force: according to IT industry group Bitkom, nearly 137,000 IT jobs remain vacant.

All of that said, who said that the strongman of Europe could not face tough situations? Though, if one were to examine the current situation prevailing in some of the most developed economies in Europe, it wouldn’t be hard to note several parallels that exist in other destinations in the enigmatic continent that mirror the German situation.

Finland too has a population crisis for which it is aggressively recruiting talented workforce from Asian nations, such as India in order to fill crucial positions across industries such as Healthcare, Insurance and Education.

But coming back to the situation of Germany, what’s a touch alarming is that nearly half of the leading corporations based in the country are facing labour shortage.

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Dev Tyagi

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Dev Tyagi

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