
Finland All Set To Unleash High-Performing Supercomputer

Finland is a country renowned for the surreal beauty of the Northern Lights. It generates massive interest for the legend of the Santa Claus. It almost always makes news for its penchant with sauna for the average Finn’s love for both Ice Hockey as well as Rally Racing. But is that all? Well, in what’s made a cracking bit of news, it turns out that Finland is soon to launch what will be a high-performing Supercomputer.

So what is this high-performing supercomputer all about and how geared up is the fascinating Nordic land about the yet-to-be-unfolded launch?

For starters, the high-performance supercomputer is known by the name of Lumi and later this year, it is expected to being operations in the country. Now that we are somewhat aware about the forthcoming launch as well as the name of the supercomputer, what’s more about it that’s making news?

Well, can you take a wild guess about the cost of the product? It must be duly noted that the soon-to-be-unveiled supercomputer is priced at a staggering 200 million euros. What else might have been the price band of such a phenomenal offering, you ought to ask? That being said, it’s not that the supercomputer is priced at a massive cost just because it is a supercomputer, you know! There’s a lot about the high-level of performance and astonishing level of prowess of this captivating machine that it has gone on to attract such a massive cost.

So what about the performance of the machine then?

For starters, it will be, upon its launch, one of the fastest computers of all time. Dig that! And the moment you’ll get to know about its super efficiency of doing calculations, you’ll be quite amazed. A recent Finnish report shared about this mind-boggling bit of detail, stating the one-of-a-kind machine can actually perform a whopping 552 million billion calculations per second.

Perhaps it suffices to state that the mind can simply not fathom the above information in one instance… one billion and that too 552 (million billion calculations)!

It’s simply down to the Finnish ingenuity and sense of timeless creation that such a machine can be construed and created. What do you reckon?

But hey, that’s not all about the mega forthcoming Finnish launch. Central to the machine is the gargantuan storage space that it requires. So can you picture in your mind just how big a space would be required to store this item?

Well, they say that a space equivalent to the area of a full tennis court is what will be required at all times. Furthermore, the equipment, at the end of the day, weighs no fewer than nearly 150,000 pounds.

And that said, the beating heart of this phenomenal creation is the European Joint Undertaking EuroHPC, which is a collaboration between the EU and private partners that are involved in the sphere of high-performance computing.

The following is what a report published in Helsinki Times had to share about the development:

Hard iron materials will be shipped across the sea from the US and then transported to Kajaani via truck. The second stage of delivery is expected to be completed by Autumn.

Once assembled, LUMI will have multiple applications in a wide range of fields, including AI, astrophysics and climate studies. It could even play a key role in mitigating the effects of the ongoing coronavirus crisis and predicting future pandemics. 

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Dev Tyagi

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Dev Tyagi

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