
From Belgium: What Concerns Do Everyday Belgians Face In The Society Today?

As on date, there are have been nearly 31,000 fatalities in Belgium owing to the Coronavirus. The COVID 19 induced pandemic, which across the world has been a giant killer, played out its dirty part in the resilient Western European nation. And yet, the giant killer no longer continues to worry those in Belgium. That’s speaking about the concerns of the everyday Belgians.

So the key question is- if the common man in Belgium is no longer concerned about Coronavirus, a deadly infectious condition which isn’t really playing on the minds of Belgians all that much, then what are the Belgians actually worried about?

A recent study came out with some interesting answers! The same furnished by the last Great Corona study. And the responses do make for an interesting read:

Three things, if not more, happen to concern the life of the everyday Belgians where the present moment is concerned. The first on the list, barring much surprise, is the Ukraine crisis. Everybody wants to know when might things get better in a country that was once famously called the gateway to Europe!

Everyone wishes to know when might the bloodshed come to a standstill? But the answers, largely speaking, remain unfounded or at large, as they say.

Next in the line of things that has got most worried in Belgium happen to be the rising Energy and Food prices. And finally, third on the list happens to be climate change- the great nadir of our times.

Well, are you surprised? The most notable finding, it ought to be said, is that no longer does the Coronavirus give those in Belgium sleepless nights.

But, that being said, none of the respondents answered what social evolutions are they most interested about or keen to know.

A statement, furnished by those who conducted across different regions in Belgium such as Antwerp, Hasselt, and Leuven, happened to share the following:

Strikingly, respondents who are financially strong are more concerned about climate change and the war in Ukraine. Those who are financially struggling are more likely to be concerned about rising energy prices and inequality between rich and poor.

Researchers also noted a difference in age, with older people being more concerned about the conflict in Ukraine, and younger people being more worried about climate change.

But all of that said, the study also pointed about the feelings of the Belgians where it came to their country’s handling of the COVID pandemic vis-a-vis different countries; Belgians feel their government did a much better job of handling the crisis than the governments of countries in the US, India, Brazil and Russia.

At the same time, however, those belonging to the land of Jean Claude Van Damme, also generated concern in that they feel their government didn’t do as stellar a job in handling the pandemic lockdown when compared to what governments did in nations like New Zealand. Moreover, it’s also said that the locals felt the country handled the crisis just as well (and similar to) the governments in Singapore, South Korea and China.

But the key standout from the finding is this- one’s glad to note that the creator of the great disconsolation among people, i.e., the COVID 19 virus no longer features as the number#1 fear in the lives of those in Belgium. And few things could be more riveting than that, right?

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Dev Tyagi

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Dev Tyagi

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