
Italy Deploys Sniffer Dogs in Front Line To Detect COVID-19 In Humans

Since the descent of the pandemic, the human race has been on the edge to find innovative methods that can help detect and control the spread of the lethal coronavirus.

Globally, many experts have conducted a detailed investigation into the possibility of training the sniffer dogs in detecting the coronavirus. But not many government authorities are comfortable in deploying such sniffer dogs in the front line.

Italy seems to have made an exception. It has started training sniffer dogs to detect people who are coronavirus positive irrespective of whether they are symptomatic or asymptomatic. Traditionally, dogs were deployed on airports, stations and ports to detect the presence of drugs or explosives. This will add a feather to their sniffing skills.

These dogs are called molecular dogs as they are able to identify what they are trained to look for through the molecules. And so, it identifies people who have the coronavirus molecules present in their body.

The Italian Authority said that these dogs shall be deployed at various places by the summer to sniff through people who are coronavirus positive. The breed of the dog being trained to undertake this task is mostly German Shepherd. But the officer added that the Dutch and Belgian Shepherds are even better to perform this kind of duty.

On the other hand, in a recent research conducted in Germany, it was concluded that the canine dogs were able to identify the presence of coronavirus and the accuracy was about 95% of the sample test.

In times to come, sniffer dogs will be seen at various vital junctions of the cities helping the government with the contact tracing of coronavirus patients.

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Payal Gajiwala

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Payal Gajiwala
Tags: Italy

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