
As Many As 1500 Rescue Workers Are Sifting Across Mud To Search For Those Missing In Japan!

For a country that’s constantly suffered the wrath of nature, as also the volatile ire of mankind, forget not about the Fukushima nuclear leak, the endless suffering endured through countless earthquakes and landslides, and how can one turn a blind eye to the dreadful and utterly despicable nuclear bomb explosion in the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it appears that there’s never really such a thing as peacetime in Japan. Called famously the ‘Land of The Rising Sun,’ it does appear that happiness and utter joy suffer from an early sunset in one of the world’s most developed and progressive nations of all time.

And just how is that? How can one say such a thing? Well, where the immediate or imminent past is concerned, then look no further than what transpired at the Japanese city of Atami.

While the last weekend, was nothing else, other than being, a normal weekend for the rest of the world, for Japan, in particular, it was significant of another deadly attack of the incorrigible nature. And just how is that?

Torrential rains and thunderstorms attacked Japan in such a terrible way that, believe it or not, but quite a few have simply gone missing. But is that all? Well, anything but!

Image: Al Jazeera

What is being believed at the moment is that there are several lives that may simply be buried under the mud or swamps.

Where it stands at the moment, then rescue operations involving no fewer than 1,500 workers are in full swing in a bid to save those individuals, who simply cannot be traced at this point in time.

Those who have been a witness to the torrential rains Japan endured in the last few hours is that what is prevailing at the moment is nothing but pure ‘hell!’

So what are some of the other details and what information can be further looked into from Ground Zero?

In the words of a report published on the esteemed Al Jazeera, some shocking developments came to life. Kindly make time for the following:

The official death toll from the landslides that hit early on Saturday is four, according to the city’s spokesperson Hiroki Onuma, while the number of missing had come down from 113 earlier reported.

Torrential rain during the weekend touched off a succession of landslides, sending torrents of mud and rock through the streets of the city which is situated 90km (60 miles) southwest of Tokyo.

“My mother is still missing,” one man told NHK public television. “I never imagined something like this could happen here.”

One 75-year-old evacuee said the house across from his had been swept away and the couple that lived there was unaccounted for.

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We want to rescue as many victims … buried in the rubble as soon as possible,” Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga told reporters.

That being said, while there’s a part of Japan that’s been utterly rain-soaked due to nature’s fury, there’s another part, not too far from Atami, which took a direct hit from the inclement weather, which shall find itself, in the coming days in the spotlight. After all, Tokyo is due to host the 2020 Olympics! But the key question is- how early can things return back to a state of normalcy? Well, who knows, honestly!

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Dev Tyagi

Published by
Dev Tyagi
Tags: Japan

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