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This Poetry Aptly Describes All The Things, One Goes Through Before Committing Suicide

Suicide, a step that one takes when they feel that there’s no other path to walk on, in this garden of life. When one can’t think of any other decision to make themselves feel fulfilled, suicide comes into the picture and then certainly leaves with a soul that had no one to talk to.

Isn’t it distressing that young people who have their entire lives in front of them, feel that suicide is the only way to be happy? Suicide occurs almost twice as many times as murder, all over the world. It can either be a direct response to the grieving pain of depression or any other such form of mental disorder which is certainly not considered a disorder.

This slam poetry talks about all the feelings that one goes through before they decide to end up their lives. ‘Before you commit suicide’ deals in being the person who doesn’t know what to do but rather to end their life by the means of suicide. The poet, Ishmeet Nagpal, beautifully started her wonderful poetry with – “On the days, you know all the art & beauty in the world is not going to save you”.

“Before You Commit Suicide” – Watch the Full Video Here:

(Video source: UnErase Poetry)

7th April 2017
Jyotsna Amla

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Jyotsna Amla

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Jyotsna Amla

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