
Will Vijay Mallya Be Extradited To India Soon?

His current status reads absconding and broke. He’s not got any money to pay the authorities whatsoever. A man who was once a major liquor baron and not only that, the owner of one of the largest and most successful private airlines is today a runaway. He’s a stowaway who doesn’t want to return to India. In some way, you can only admire the guts of a man who shamelessly ran away from India, under the very strict nose of all authorities and conveniently declared himself broke so that he doesn’t have to pay the dues.

And these aren’t tiny sums of money either. This is a big amount that measures in multiples of crores of INR. Yet, for some reason Vijay Mallya is prevailing.

And guess what? The news doesn’t ever seem to have enough of him. The once-mighty Bangalore-based business mogul is now set to return to India, unless we are being wrongly fed and being misinformed.

Apparently, the matter concerning the long-expected extradition of Vijay Mallya seems to have refuelled its ambition as news updates suggest that Mallya is to be brought back to the very country where he was born and ran away from in broad daylight.

So what is the actual update and its details pertaining to someone who can only be called a disgraceful business personality?

The following updates occurred a couple of hours back on Zee News’ digital network:

It may be noted that on May 14, the High Court of Justice, London, UK rejected the application of Indian fugitive and former liquor baron Vijay Mallya against his extradition to face trial in India.

The judgement also vindicates the painstaking investigation by CBI, especially since Mallya had raised various issues with regard to the admissibility of evidence, the fairness of investigation itself and extraneous consideration, with a view to divert attention from his own acts.

The extradition of Vijay Mallya was sought to face trial in offences of cheating, criminal conspiracy and abuse of official position by public servants, wherein Mallya faced allegations of conspiring with public servants and dishonestly defrauding the IDBI bank to the extent of Rs 900 crores.

Incidently, on May 14 itself Mallya had in a tweet asked the Indian government to accept his offer to repay 100 per cent of his loan dues unconditionally and close case against him.

Now here’s what is the most catchy part about the statement issued by Vijay Mallya; something you may find utterly surprising.

It appears that the absconding business personality has communicated, time and again, his intentions to clear the dues which he owes the Indian authorities, yet, for some reason, his voice has fallen on deaf ears, as per his own confirmation.

So does this sound very convincing, if it might be asked?

The very man who had declared himself as broke confessed his desire to have cleared his dues and yet, wasn’t attended to? How believable is that? He recently also issued a congratulatory message to the Indian government for its bailout package in lines with the COVID-19 epidemic (under the Atmanirbhar Bharat scheme).

Now this also leads to another question: is the sudden expression of praise some form of flattery by Vijay Mallya to avoid the treatment he so merits?

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Dev Tyagi

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Dev Tyagi

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