
An Airport For Flying Cars To Be Based In England?

The conventional is on its way out and what’s forward-looking, futuristic is on its way in. The faster we adapt to what holds the future and defines the way in which we will all be tomorrow, the better it is for our evolution. And the one thing that constantly evolves, with the tick of the clock, is technology and the advent for the future. Now an important sphere in which one sees the above holding valuable ground is urban mobility. It’s been a while since the world began (ever so steadily) the transformation toward electric cars.

Never before has Tesla resonated such a big impact as what one finds today. In fact, it was only a few days back where Switzerland even witnessed a fully hyrdrogen-powered bus.

Not a day goes by where one doesn’t learn about the impact and growing potential of the “Lithium ion” batteries. So, at a time where technology and innovation are constantly churning groundbreaking realities for much of mankind, that day isn’t all that far when the world will talk about flying cars, don’t you think?

As it is, the concept of driver-less cars isn’t a total stranger as such, with the 2019 figures already suggesting that the global autonomous driver market was valued in excess of $24 billion.

So what’s more? What’s making news that could suggest that the future is here already!

Well, believe it nor not but there seem to be plans to have a full-fledged airport for flying cars in the course of the imminent future. And the country where there would (in all certainty) be this airport for flying cars is nothing else but the land that birthed the inimitable Rolls Royce: Her Majesty’s England!

Now, let a question be asked. Just how many of us even think that such a development was in the offing?

As a matter of fact, not only has the airport for flying cars been decided, but what’s also already been decided is the city where the groundbreaking facility will be built.

Apparently, the English city of Coventry will be the very spot that shall mark the leap into the future.

This will be the space specifically earmarked to represent how the cars of the future will function with the Coventry airport being the spot that’ll demonstrate the workings of the air taxis (as they are called) for urban centres.

Now moving on, a report specifically focusing on this critical urban mobility-related development was published on News 18 network which happened to highlight the following:

From November, visitors to Coventry will be able to see what a flying car airport looks like and see a passenger-carrying drone and an operational electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) vehicle on the landing pad.

Urban-Air Port was selected by a government programme aimed at developing zero-emission flying and new air vehicles, winning a 1.2-million-pound ($1.65-million) grant to help fund the temporary installation of the airport in Coventry city centre.

At a time where the world amid us is still constantly churning out grounding breaking car designs that place comfort and luxury at the heart of their development, isn’t it outstanding to read about a platform that will launch cars toward an unimaginable flight (one that belongs to the future and into the skies!”?

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Dev Tyagi

Published by
Dev Tyagi
Tags: Flying Cars

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